Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

It is the last day of 2011 and a fabulous 62*! Let's get outside and enjoy it!!

Here are some family highlights in 2011:

January - Blizzard 2011 brought 9" snow, C's surgery for his urethral cyst
February - Valentine's Day fun, I took a class to learn to use my camera
March - Fire station tour, pony rides (C's first time)
April - Easter Egg Hunts
May - Strawberry picking, girls' weekend, swim lessons, wedding(S's first) in DC, baby ducks
June - S got tubes in her ears, C's bday party, new neighbors
July - Dance camp, S learned to swim!
August - C learned to walk!, skiing at the lake, caterpillars and butterflies, Hilton Head beach trip, S started dance classes
September - both kids started school at BCBC, apple picking
October - Pumpkins, S's 4th birthday party at horse farm, Halloween festivities
November - S's first musical - Annie, Thanksgiving in New Bern
December - breakfast with Santa, Boy the Elf came to stay with us, Christmas happenings, C got his first haircut

Where did the year go?!?!?!

We had a blast in 2011 and are continually blessed and I am looking forward to what 2012 has in store for our family!

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