Friday, September 26, 2014

This Week In Pictures... and Captions:)I

M has yet to set up our TV, so I finally had to set up the little
TV in the meantime so that I wouldn't completely lose my sanity!!
I took a painting class - it was so fun and different to do!! 
Gigi bought this jacket for C when we were in Atlanta
last month!  He is finally able to wear it and LOVES

While at the gym my shorts got caught on some equipment and
ripped them all the way up to the waistband!  I didn't have time to
go home, so ended up wearing them this way to Walmart(although I may
have actually fit in here.. haha!), Builders First Source and a
few more errands!  Quite embarrassing!!

Zoo Week at school... I picked up a little cow instead of a
little boy:)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

School Days

Just some pictures from school I've snapped!!!

Fire Safety Week at school - I sincerely hope this is not how he smiled
for his school pictures!!

First time wearing these jeans to school... sheesh!!

I arrived early to pick him up one day and was able to watch
him play on the playground before going in to get him.  He
is in the front with the blue shirt on:)  I love watching my kids
when they don't realize I am doing so!

It was Apple Day at school!

Picture Day - it was hard to convince him to wear a
collared shirt since he is determined such shirts are
strictly for church on Sunday!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


This fall, the kids and I are going to be going to church on Wednesday nights!  I attempted to take them to church on Wednesday nights when C was about 6 months old and S was in K3, but it proved to be too much to handle.  It is much easier at the age the kids are now!  We eat dinner there(the kids think this is pretty novel!) and then C goes to M&M(Music and Missions) for preschoolers, S goes to the 1st grade class but next week will start choir, and I go to an adult class!  It is good for all of us and we like it very much!

This evening was S's first audition ever!  She auditioned for a solo in the choir's Christmas musical.  We will find out next week if she got a part, but regardless she is going to be in the choir during the performance and is very, very excited about it!  We have the CD with the musical recorded on it and we all know the entire show now since we've listened to it no less that 1,032 times over the past 2 weeks!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

1st Day of Fall and Soccer

Today was the first day of fall and it most definitely felt like it!!!

It was chilly(60s) and windy!  Fall is my favorite season and I love getting to wear jeans and light coats:)

While S was at dance practice, C and I went to the park to enjoy the cool day and then afterwards we all went to C's soccer game!  He can get quite goofy on the field and act out, but I think that the fact that he doesn't completely understand the game contributes to that!  M and I kept yelling from the sidelines for him to "find the ball" and when he focused on that, he did much better and is quite the aggressive little guy:)

Monday, September 22, 2014


Our life has revolved around the old house and the new house the past week.  That does not lend to many exciting pictures!!!

This is his self-declared "cranky face"! LOL!!

The weather could not have been more beautiful this past week!

There were disgusting, pooping, quacking geese headed toward
our yard, so I sent the kids out running and yelling at them!
That sure scared them away... hopefully never to return!  I DESPISE

Abby had her annual vet appointment and checked out great!:)
The vet said she looked really, really good to be a 10 year old

This was the note S wrote about her sweet pup while we were there!
She LOVES her dog - and Abby really has become HER DOG!

We spent ALL.DAY on Saturday painting the old house!!
Almost done and ready to put it on the market!

C loves to go get the oil changed with me!  I think it is the endless
"breakfast bar" they offer and he indulges himself with doughnuts
and cinnamon twirls!:)

He seems to prefer red sports cars... I'm in trouble when he
turns 16!

We spent some time playing games before having to get S
from school!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sunrises and Sunsets

Since we've been at the new house we have seen some beautiful sunrises and sunsets!!  These pictures don't even come close to doing them justice!!

This was the sunset we saw our first night in the new house:)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We Have Moved!!!


We finally did it!!

Last Wednesday the moving truck pulled up into our driveway, moved us to our new house, unpacked the truck and then left us with a huge pile of boxes!!:)  HAHA!!

It has been a week and we still have boxes everywhere and no furniture to fill an empty house, but we are living here and loving it!!!

We do not have internet or TV right now, so we are having to get creative and the kids have spent hours upon hours playing outside!  I am holed up right now in my car outside Dunkin' Donuts using their WIFI!  LOL!

It's an adventure every day right now just finding what we need!

Packing up the night before the big move day!

It was almost surreal to see this when I came home from dropping
the kids off at school!

1st night in new room

They were so super excited!

Still stuck in endless car lines!

I had lunch with S and helped out in her class before
getting her out for an early dismissal!  She was excited
to go pick up C with me!

There has been LOTS of dressing up to keep them entertained!

We are very much lacking in the furniture department:)

Helping Daddy build a storage unit for his room!  Totally his
idea to take his shirt off while he was being a worker man - must
have seen too many construction workers during the house

Our church is celebrating 150 years and they had dinner at
the church gym one night with free ice cream from the ice cream
truck!  My kids had never seen an ice cream truck before and the novelty
of it was almost more than they could handle!!

C was lucky enough to accompany me to the DMV one day!
Poor kid!!

More dressing up!

Pumpkin is BACK at Dunkin' Donuts!  Oh yeah!!

She wants to audition for a part in the church Christmas play!
She was studying hard one morning!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Soccer Game

C had his first soccer game tonight and was too stinkin' cute!!!!

He had quite the fan club with me, M, S and Gigi cheering for him on the sidelines!

When the game first started, it was clear he had NO.CLUE. what he was suppose to be doing!  After he finished his first of 2 quarters on the field, Gigi took time to explain to him what he was suppose to be doing and he followed pretty close to what she was saying!  When he got out there to play his 2nd quarter, he was like a bullet out of a gun!  Totally different kid out there playing!!  He dashed down the field and got the ball, and then it went out of bounds, behind the goal, but that didn't stop his determination as he picked up the ball(yes, with his hands!!) and put it back in front of the goal, gave it a swift kick and got his FIRST GOAL!!  It was priceless and I wish I had it on video, but I will remember that for a very long time!:)  He was quite proud of himself and we all cheered as if he really had gotten a legit goal!

He could be a really good little soccer player, he just has to learn how to get the ball away from the other team and not get mad when he can't get it!

It will be fun to watch him play this season and see how much he improves!:)