Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

What a FUN Halloween we had today!

After taking S to school, C and I met my mom back at the house.  She brought us breakfast:)  That itself was enough of a luxurious treat for me!

We then took C to his gymnastics class and to our surprise, the parents/grandparents were able to come in and observe the first part of the class as well as get a chance to jump on the inflatable trampoline(I want one!!).  C was not sure what to do with all the attention on him and seemed a little embarrassed, but gradually warmed up to us being in there and started doing his stuff!  He did such a great job of listening and it is really crazy how good his eye-hand coordination is!

Then it was off to the mall for us... I truly do not like the mall!  I found out yesterday, that the kids are going to have their Christmas pictures taken on Saturday and I needed to find tights and a bow for S and my mom is much better at that kind of stuff than I am!  We walked the entire length of the mall and C walked the entire time, staying with us.  Such a trooper!!!  We found what we needed for S and the boy scored a pretty cool Superman shirt and sunglasses out of the trip which he was thrilled about!

Time to pick up S from school!!!  She was so glad to see that Gigi was still visiting and hadn't left yet!

After some play time, we had an early dinner and then got the kids dressed for trick-or-treating on the street with the neighbors!  I guess this will be our last year participating with them, but it is such a fun time that we may have to come back and do it with them again even after we move!!!

The kiddos went to bed with visions of candy dancing in their heads!:)

C thought he was something else getting his picture
taken with Ethan!

C opened Ms. Judy's door right up and walked in!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Getting Ready for Halloween

This afternoon Gigi came for a visit: and we had fun with Halloween activities!

We, or should I say I, carved a pumpkin!  S drew it for me, and watched just a little bit as I cut it, they took enough time to dip a small handful out "guts" out and that was about it!  They were too busy playing with friends and riding tractors!  Maybe one year they'll really get into the carving part:)

After an early dinner, we went to a nearby church fall festival.  They had a trunk-or-treat which I have never done and it was very cool!  All of the trunks were decorated so well!  And the games that were provided were so impressive!  The kids also enjoyed jumping on the inflatables(C) and doing crafts(S) before we called it a night and made our way back to the house to get some sleep before tomorrow's festivities!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Just Whatever


  • I've started getting up early and doing my bible study in the morning instead of at night and I really enjoy doing it this way - as long as I have coffee at my side:)
  • I had to turn on the heat for the first time last week!
  • I got M and I tickets to Phantom of the Opera that is coming to the Peace Center in the spring!!!!!!
  • We had a much overdue date night with friends at a new restaurant(with very good crab cakes) called Rare...Mmmm!!

This is how the poor boy ends up many afternoons!

Pretty girl at lunch!

Building a house for his fire truck:)

Wacky clothes day at school - she has several Halloween shirts
that need to be worn so I had to convince her to include it in her

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Our friends have a beautiful, new house but I had not seen in before!

M wanted me to check it out and possibly get some ideas for our house so we made a trip up there after church.  While we were there, C got to feed the horses in their back field!  They were not exactly tame horses, and were quite rough and aggressive when it came to eating.  M had to hold the bucket of food because they were too strong and pushed down on it way too hard for C.  Even M had a tough time with it!!

Such a beautiful afternoon:)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Enchanted Tracks

A couple of years ago we had our first experience at Enchanted Tracks and it was so much fun!  We missed it last year, but decided to go back again this year and I'm so glad that we did:)

It was a very, very cold day and I can't believe the kids didn't put on coats and sweaters earlier than they did, but I'm glad because I was able to get some cute pictures:)  S is a cat this year and C is Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates!

We played some games, took pictures of course, jumped on the "bouncy things", ran through a maze, trick-or-treated through the enchanted forest and rode the train!!  The kids asked, unsolicited, for me to take pictures with them and the characters in the forest.  Of course I obliged!!!  We had the line backed up forever!  HA!

The kids really had a great time!  S said her favorite part was seeing Snow White in the enchanted forest and C's favorite was, hands down, the train ride!!

Let Halloween/Fall Festivals begin!

We ran into a friend from S's school!

Playing the fishing game - but was somewhat concerned
when they handed my 3-year-old that large stick!!


Robin Hood

Shrek - C's favorite forest character for some reason

Tigger and Pooh

Snow White

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sky Top

We made, what I imagine will be, our last trip to Sky Top Orchard this afternoon!

I picked S up from school, and it really wasn't a far ride from her school at all!  We took some requisite pumpkin/scarecrow pictures and then headed to the playground to wait on our friends to arrive!

Why, you ask, is S wearing C's shorts starting in the 4th picture!?!?  Because right after I took C to the potty and had asked her not once, but twice, if she needed to potty to which she replied "no!", she wet her pants!!!  SERIOUSLY!?!?!!?  All I had in the car were a pair of C's shorts that are actually too small for him but fit her, two pairs of his underwear and a pull-up!  I thought she would flip out and not wear them and I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but she put on his pants and underwear and never looked back... craziness!!

Our friends have arrived during all this "fun" and now that we are ready we go get our baskets and wagons and head out into the orchard.  This time we picked pink ladies and golden delicious.  We went to the very.last.row of apple trees in the orchard to get these babies!  What a hike!!!!

On our way, we stopped in to check on the sheep and goats!  I guess maybe one particular goat had had a rough day because he was not at all impressed by our loud, fence-shaking group and proceeded to ram the fence at the kids!  Okay, we got the point, we left him be in his grumpy state and continued on to the apples!

The rules say not to eat the apples, but we pretended we didn't know this little tidbit and munched away:)  As she was munching, S lost her fifth tooth!  It had been hanging on by a thread(do teeth even have threads? whatever!) for the past week and I was glad to see it finally come out!

C was more interested in pulling the wagon around, a couple of the kids were more interested in climbing the trees and one kid helped pick apples!  That left the mommies to do all the work - and then haul a very heavy wagon back up, up, up to the top of what seemed to be Mount Everest!

We paid for our loot, bought the kids doughnuts, made sure everyone went potty to avoid any more accidents on the way home, played on the playground one last time and then came back down the mountain!

See you in 2014 Sky Top!!

Shaking the scarecrow's hand

I actually captured the goat throwing his temper tantrum!!!

C was in charge of the wagon - until it was heavy with

The bottom tooth is the one she lost!

Partners in crime!

The tree climbers:)