Monday, January 31, 2011


This was C's first time on a tractor! I can't believe M let almost 7 months get away before getting his boy up there, but he finally did:) I can imagine there will be many more of these kind of pictures to come!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Oh how I LOVE.THIS.WEATHER!!!! It was beautiful today:) This afternoon we took the kids downtown to look for Toads on Trade and do some letterboxing. Both pretty much failed as we only found 5 of the 10 toads and neither of the letterboxes. Oh well, we had fun nonetheless strolling through downtown, going to the playground (C-man got his first taste of a slide and wasn't so sure he liked it all that much) and ate at a new, well new to us, pizza place. It was great to be able to get out and about. I am so ready for spring now!!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Big 'Ol Snake and a Little Bit O Cake

This morning we were busy, busy, busy - but in a good way! I dropped C off at his Grandmamma's house and took S first to Roper Mountain and then to a birthday party at the Bounce House. Roper Mountain is doing a rainforest series inside since it is too cold to go out to the farm. This was my first time going and it was so different than the farm is. Still very good, but the kids are expected to sit and listen and all around behave a little more civilized than they have to on the farm. Glad I only had one kid there so that I could supervise her without the distraction of C-man. She did really well and Iwas very proud of the way she behaved and listened!! The topic today included learning about millipedes, cockroaches and pythons and the kids were allowed to "pet" all of them! UGGG!!!!! I hate bugs and am terrified of snakes! S was not scared, though, and had no problem touching these insects and snake! Next week are animals from Down Under - much more my style!
After a good hand wash, we headed to the birthday party! It was a lot of fun, as always, and I enjoyed catching up with some people I had not seen recently while S played and played!

A great, tiring morning and I was so glad that the kids allowed me to nap for the SECOND day in a row (I know I just jinxed myself, but it was worthy of posting because it has been a long, long time since I've gotten that chance!).

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pottery Time

Our playgroup this morning was at a paint your own pottery studio! S enjoyed painting her heart-shaped jewelry box - for about 10 minutes. Then, her and the other girls were much more interested in running around (keep in mind this place is full of breakable pottery) and being the active 3-year-old that they are! They didn't destroy the place too much, but the lady running the store did know all of their first and last names before we left due to the constant reprimanding coming from the moms...sigh!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Night Out

M and I took S out tonight by herself for the first time since C was born - more than SIX months ago! This was long overdue and I know we need to do it more often. She was so well behaved and we could tell she loved having us all to herself and we loved having just her for a couple hours! She needs this undivided attention every once in a while. We ate dinner at Mr. Salsa, walked over to iced for her choice of a cupcake and ended the night with a trip to the dollar store where she was able to pick out two toys (we did have to persuade her that she really didn't want the gun w/ handcuffs toy!). We all had so much fun!! We'll definitely be doing this again and it will hopefully be much sooner than another six months!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Tonight we gave C a sippy cup for the first time just to see what he would do with it. He was very intrigued! Mostly, though, he just kept dropping it on the floor!! We are in the 'cause and effect' stage apparently. S was much more patient about continuously picking it up than M and I were! She also enjoyed putting it in his mouth for him and he was actually able to get some water to come out. Unfortunately, it ended up more on his shirt than in his mouth!
Of course, when we take C-man's picture, we have to take hers as well. She was eating an orange (the ENTIRE orange!) so excuse the sticky face. She is such a ham and this picture really does capture her fun, vivacious personality!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Look at Me

I can sit all by myself!! I am so proud of me - and cute!!:)
By the way, does this shirt make me look a little "puffy"?? I hear the camera adds some pounds so maybe that is it!

Friday, January 14, 2011


In addition to the snow, C had surgery yesterday morning(this on top of cutting one of his top teeth)! So, needless to say we've been sticking close to the house the last few days. I have not been great about getting the camera out, but I did snap a couple of pictures here and there.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blizzard 2011

Oh boy did we get some snow - 9in!!!! In South Carolina, that is a lot of snow!

Day One was so much fun. We went to M's parents house and let them watch C while we went sledding, on a sleigh ride, more sledding and 4 wheeling. We had a great time enjoying the snow! It exhausted all of us but it was the good kind of exhaustion.

Day Two was not quite as much fun, but still not too bad. M took S to the neighbors' house to sled and make a snowman for a while that morning while I stayed home with C-man. That night we went back to the same neighbors' house and had dinner with them. S LOVES those boys - ages 7 and 12 - and they are so sweet to include her while they play (although sometimes I'm afraid they get a little frustrated with her 3 year old antics)!

Today is Day Three. GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!! The fun is over! M is back to work and I am snowed in (4 wheel drive would be nice about now) with one very active 3 year old and a teething baby. Does it get anymore fun than that?!?! Please, sun, melt the snow and ice enough so I can get out of the driveway this afternoon. If not, I might just go nuts!
**More pics to come at some point when I get them from others.**

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Family Reunion

Saturday we made our annual trip down to the low state for the Langston family reunion. I admit, I wasn't thrilled about the 2.5 drive down, a 3 hour visit, and a 2.5 hour drive back. But, it was actually not too bad. S travelled great and C didn't do too bad either. It was nice to have so much family there willing to hold and love on my baby boy! M and a few of the men took S out to see the pigs and cows. I was a bit surprised when they brought her back covered in pig poop!! Apparently she jumped in a pile of what she called "mud"! That is the stinkiest mud I have ever smelled! I changed her clothes, but that did not get rid of the swine stench that covered her from head to toe (I don't know if you've ever smelled a pig farm before, but be assured that it is awful!!!)! The only pictures I managed to get were of the kids with Meme's sister. She is the oldest family member at age 95(?) and C man was the youngest at 6 months! Sweet memories to have this picture:)

Friday, January 7, 2011


ummm...I mean pictures!

I took both kids to get their pictures done this morning. Whew! It was not something I had necessarily planned to do, but I got up this morning and thought it would be a good idea. I did get some cute pictures, but we had a hard time getting S to smile (she was way too concerned about what C was doing) and C was wanting nothing more than to take a nap and they were just stimulating him more and more. SO, not only was it torture for me, but for the poor little guy too! S was so well behaved for the first time since we've been having these done! Thank goodness one of them held it together:)

I am going to consider these S's 3 year old pictures (only 3 months late!) and C's 6 month pictures:)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and Happy 6 Month

We had such a fun New Years Eve this year! We actually went out (even if we didn't stay until midnight) while my dad kept the kids. Ahhh!!! I felt half human and social again:)

Also, New Years Day is C's half birthday! Although I had planned to make him a cake (and proceed to eat it), I also knew that it was the start of a new year and I have a few more pounds to lose before I'm at my goal weight. So... no cake:(

I try not to make New Years resolutions because honestly I would not keep them and I know it! There are many things I'd like to do this year, like lose these pounds, read the bible more, spend more time w/ M, travel some(HA!!) and the list goes on and on. However, if I do these things, great! If I don't, oh well. Being a Mommy I am just glad to get through with everyone fed and somewhat clean these days. New Years resolutions just aren't for me!

Now, what C is doing now that he is a half year old!

  • He is rolling so much but can't quite figure out how to get from his tummy to his back and gets MAD!
  • Wants to sit up, but hasn't mastered it yet.
  • Eating like a mad man. He loves solid food. I nurse him 4 times throughout the day, he gets cereal once a day, and a fruit and veggie one time a day. At night before bed he gets a formula bottle.
  • Still not on a schedule really with naps. Just gets them when he can:)
  • He loves, loves, loves his sister and thinks that she is the funniest person ever. I LOVE it! I hope that they always love each other so much:)
  • C is a happy boy most of the time and is so content to just be.
  • Is enjoying his exersaucer and jumperoo. His little legs are so strong - and chunky - and he can get these things really moving when he wants to.
  • He is starting to like peek-a-boo and having raspberries blown on his belly.
  • He puts EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING in his mouth. I'm worried about when he starts to crawl and can get all of S's little toys which are strewn across the floor at all times.

**6 Month Stats(1/20/2011)

  • Weight - 19.2lb (68%tile)
  • Height - 28.5in (93%tile)
  • Head Circumference - 18.1in(92%tile)

I'm not really sure where the last 6 months have gone, but they have really just flown by!!!