Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Well, another Halloween in the books!  It was a fun one for sure and the kids are so easy right now.  We all had a good time!

The morning started out with a Halloween party in C's class which the room moms did such a good job putting together! They ate lots of good junk, decorated pumpkins, guessed how many candy corn were in the fish bowl(C won!!) and a few other crafts as well!  I was glad I got to be there to see it and participate but also glad I was not in charge of planning... LOL!

Tonight we Trick or Treated the neighborhood!  S's friend, Halle, and her family came over since they don't live in a neighborhood and then C's friend from school, Grayson, lives on the other side of the neighborhood so we met up with him and walked the streets as a group!  We picked up Shelby and her dad along the way as well as a few others!  So fun!  The kids got SO MUCH candy and were exhausted by the time we finally made it back to our house.  Success!!

His pumpkin, Jeff! LOLOLOL!!

Guessing how many candy corn were in the fish bowl!

Hannah, Courtney, Halle, S and Carmen(those are Halle's 3 sisters!)

Spartan Buck(from Halo) and a Greek Goddess

Orangutan, Spartan Buck, Greek Goddess, Pirate

Grayson and C

Shelby Kate, S and Halle

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October 2018

SS Date Night at Larkin's!

Dance like nobody's watching!

Taught C to play "Boom-booms"!

Love notes!  He's a cutie!

I LOVE fall!

Hunting days

Measuring for their next project, dresses!

Bag completed

Fall makes for the best sunrises!

Work, work, work...

Lazy days off of school!

C's note to the Tooth Fairy

While S and I walk the neighborhood, C rides it;)

His new obsession - BeyBlades!

Fun times at the ENT!

Jones Gap Field Trip

C had his first field trip today and I was so glad that I got to go!  Outdoor field trips, especially when I'm chaperoning C, are my favorite!!  When we arrived, Ranger Tim(who was fantastic with the kids!) gave an orientation to the whole group before splitting the classes up and sending them on to their activities!  

First, we went on a nature walk where the kids identified different trees and shrubs, seeds and nuts!  Then, we ate lunch on the porch of the cabin.  Our last activity was to go down to the river where we took the temperature of the river (10* C.... brrrr!!) and wade around looking for animals under rocks!

It was a fun day!

News Show

S has joined her school's morning news show and has LOVED it!  She has to be at school every morning before 7:30am and, depending on the week, is in charge of either sound or being an anchor!  I have had so many of the teachers and staff at the school tell me how a great job she has done.  It's a really big responsibility!  On the weeks that she is an anchor, she spends her recess time typing and putting together slides for the next day.  When the kids arrive in the morning the have to put it all together and practice and in 35 minutes are live and on air!  It was such an impressive process and I'm glad that I was able to watch her in action this morning!!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Pumpkin Carving

We got out this morning and got gooky in the pumpkins!  We used our kit from last year and the kids went to town!  C still needed some help, but not as much as last year!  S needed a bit of help, but not much at all!  They were very proud of their pumpkins and are even more excited about Halloween now!

C's finished product!

S's finished product!

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Big Screen

We met the Sinclairs to see Small Foot after school this afternoon.  Gavin's brother had surgery today, so he joined us as well since his parents were at the hospital.  All the kids enjoyed the movie and ate their way through it and then were super hyped up and dancing out the doors by the end.  Success!!!

No quarters, not really playing, still having fun!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Enchanted Tracks

It's been a couple of years since we've been to Enchanted Tracks and I wasn't sure if S would still be into it, but she was and we had a great time!  We met my college friend, Rachel, and her little boys there and having them with us made it all the more fun!  C and I met them and then S had to join us a bit late after she got dropped off by her dance carpool. They all enjoyed the games and the maze and eating and trick or treating through the forest!  I'm glad we made it back to this event this year!

The boys jumped and jumped and slid down the slide
without any lines at all while we waited on S to get there!

Still their favorite game - this was the first year that C
realized there was someone behind the wall putting the
candy on the "hook"!  I didn't realize until this point that
he didn't know how it worked!  Now I'm kinda sad
to know that the thrill and magic of it is gone!

He chose to kick...

She chose to throw:)

My kids loved having the little ninjas there!

Let the Trick or Treating through the forest commence!