Thursday, October 25, 2018

Enchanted Tracks

It's been a couple of years since we've been to Enchanted Tracks and I wasn't sure if S would still be into it, but she was and we had a great time!  We met my college friend, Rachel, and her little boys there and having them with us made it all the more fun!  C and I met them and then S had to join us a bit late after she got dropped off by her dance carpool. They all enjoyed the games and the maze and eating and trick or treating through the forest!  I'm glad we made it back to this event this year!

The boys jumped and jumped and slid down the slide
without any lines at all while we waited on S to get there!

Still their favorite game - this was the first year that C
realized there was someone behind the wall putting the
candy on the "hook"!  I didn't realize until this point that
he didn't know how it worked!  Now I'm kinda sad
to know that the thrill and magic of it is gone!

He chose to kick...

She chose to throw:)

My kids loved having the little ninjas there!

Let the Trick or Treating through the forest commence!

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