Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And...She's UP

Last night S pulled up to her feet for the first time! She was really close all weekend and we gave her a little push to get her there, but last night she did it all by herself!! It's funny, though, she feels she has to use her mouth to help hold her up:)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Frequent Visitor

We first met our fine-feathered friend at about 3am a couple weeks ago when Abby was barking, barking, barking. We went outside to see what was wrong (she normally doesn't just bark for the sake of barking) and it took us a while in our sleepiness to focus our eyes on this 3 foot (give or take) tall BIRD standing in our driveway. Something seems a bit odd to me, b/c I don't know much about birds, but I wouldn't guess this is a nocturnal creature. Anyway, on Sunday morning, M was standing in the kitchen and saw our friend again. He said that the bird stood in this position for about 30 minutes and then only flew away b/c M walked outside and frightened it. Don't know where it came from or why it is here, but I guess it's not doing any harm as long as Abby doesn't start her barking again!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What We've Been Up To

Well, last week I spent a lot of time cleaning my house. My computer was sent back to Toshiba because the mouse stopped working (very hard to do anything w/o a mouse) and I was also preparing for a shower for my wonderful, sweet friend who happens to be due with a little girl on S's birthday. My mom came to help me get things ready and was MUCH appreciated! It is so hard to get anything done when S is crawling everywhere.

And, to add to the chaos, she had a snotty nose all last week and was up many times during the nights which I was attributing to teething but apparently I was wrong b/c on Friday night she developed a fever which she had through Monday. I took her to the dr and she has her first ear infection. They put her on antibiotics and she is feeling much better now. Oh, and she has this really nasty looking rash all over her body but mostly on her back and bottom that the dr said was a viral rash from being sick. Ever heard of such a thing???

And, to top it all off, M came home sick yesterday and has a 102+ temp today. He is going to the dr this afternoon so hopefully he is going to be feeling better soon as well. It is not fun having a sick baby and a sick husband!

Also, last week was S's great-grandmother, Meme's, 91st birthday! And she doesn't act a day over 22! S loves her Meme and was glad to get a chance to visit with her on this special day:)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Bit Confused

Here is S attempting to stand - on her head:)

Already a Teenager?

Do you see what she's doing????

She' rolling her eyes at me!!!!!!!!!!

If this is 9 months, I am dreading 15:)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

9 Months Old

I can't believe it has already been 9 months! Next thing I know, she'll be one!! Where does the time go???

Here are her stats:
Weight - 17lb15oz(34%tile)
Height - 28.75in(87%tile)
She's tall and lean:)

As of last week, she is crawling! She is into EVERYTHING and doesn't stop moving all day! Our house has a very open floor plan which makes it difficult to keep her contained. I did get a "corral" that I have in the living room, but I only close it up when I have to. It is so fun to watch her explore and learn about her surroundings. Everything intrigues her! She's pulled up to her knees, but hasn't made it to her feet yet.

She is learning what buttons and knobs get her toys to make noise. Needless to say, the house is not typically quiet!

She is "talking". Right her, her vocabulary includs mama, dada, ba(bye) and ga(good). I think I've heard da(dog) too, but I won't promise anything!

As far as eating goes, I had blogged before that she was not eating baby food anymore. Well, that lasted about a week and I guess she realized she wasn't coordinated enough yet to do without, so she's eating it again. Yay!!! She's also eating Cheerios, Puffs, crackers by herself. She has not mastered mushier foods such as fruit, but she will eat it if I put it in her mouth. I think it might be a texture thing because she kinda freaks out when it gets stuck on her hands:)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


One of our friends is getting into photography and was nice enough to give us a preview of what he can do! He did a GREAT JOB!!! We took some in downtown and then went to M's parents' field and took some more. I LOVE what he did with them and can't wait to get them printed:) If you ever need someone to do a fabulous job with your pictures no matter what the occasion, this is your guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click to play June 2008
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Yesterday, July 4, my mom came up too see S (oh, and me and M too..riiight!). We didn't do a whole lot out of the ordinary, but it was so nice to have company and an adult to talk to for the day. M was able to go tinker around on the tractor during the morning and most of the afternoon and I was able to get a bit of a break.

Last night, we decided spur of the moment to go see Get Smart. What a great movie!!! M and I are both huge Steve Carell fans and this was the perfect movie for us! My dad was able to stop by on his way home to Atlanta from North Carolina so mom and dad both babysat while we went to a movie. I can't tell you the last time we went to a movie. It might have been Talladega Nights which was a LONG time ago!!!