Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

It is the last day of 2011 and a fabulous 62*! Let's get outside and enjoy it!!

Here are some family highlights in 2011:

January - Blizzard 2011 brought 9" snow, C's surgery for his urethral cyst
February - Valentine's Day fun, I took a class to learn to use my camera
March - Fire station tour, pony rides (C's first time)
April - Easter Egg Hunts
May - Strawberry picking, girls' weekend, swim lessons, wedding(S's first) in DC, baby ducks
June - S got tubes in her ears, C's bday party, new neighbors
July - Dance camp, S learned to swim!
August - C learned to walk!, skiing at the lake, caterpillars and butterflies, Hilton Head beach trip, S started dance classes
September - both kids started school at BCBC, apple picking
October - Pumpkins, S's 4th birthday party at horse farm, Halloween festivities
November - S's first musical - Annie, Thanksgiving in New Bern
December - breakfast with Santa, Boy the Elf came to stay with us, Christmas happenings, C got his first haircut

Where did the year go?!?!?!

We had a blast in 2011 and are continually blessed and I am looking forward to what 2012 has in store for our family!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Fresh Beat Band

C-man loves to do some dancing! Although this does not do justice to his "moves" it was still post worthy:) His absolute favorite thing to dance to - The Fresh Beat Band!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


The kids and I have spent the past few days visiting my parents! So glad we were able to go! S and C loved spending lots of quality time with Grandpa and Gigi. Although C-man didn't sleep great(yet again!), we still enjoyed ourselves:)

I was able to meet a high school friend for lunch while the kids played in the play area, we went to the library, park and of course took a walk on the walking trail in my parent's neighborhood. Gigi and I took S ice skating for the first time which she has been asking to do every day for the last month. She LOVED it and got to be actually pretty decent by the time we left. We were all sore and worn out after about 1.5 hours of it! We also celebrated Gigi's birthday with cupcakes for lunch and hot dogs and s'mores for dinner. What more could you ask for?!?! S was able to experience her first milkshake from Steak and Shake(the best places ever for milkshakes!) and was an instant fan!

Everyone had fun and we were all 100% exhausted by the end of our visit!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

What to do...

when all the Christmas activities have passed?? You go to the playground (and FREEZE) of course:) No plans today except to spend time with just me and the kids!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

What a FUN Christmas morning and day!!

The boy woke up around 7am and we ended up waking S up at 7:30am because we couldn't contain him in our room any more!

To say there was excitement is an understatement! I know it isn't about the presents and we've discussed that a lot with S this year, but it sure does make it so much fun for the kids! The presents were ripped through faster than I thought they would be and it was such a happy time for all of us! It was interesting, though, that after S opened each of her gifts she would put them in a pile on the couch so that they wouldn't get mixed in with her brother's. SO something her mommy would have done - and did do when I was younger!

S was in charge of handing out gifts! She did pretty well reading the names! She most definitely knew her own and didn't have all that much trouble figuring out the rest of ours either. Such a smart cookie!!

We went over to M's parent's house for lunch with his mom's side of the family!! We ate a very yummy lunch, opened presents and spent time with family:) M and S stayed all day while I brought C home for a nap and then rejoined everyone again for dinner!


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is low-key around here although as you can see from the pictures we did manage to wear poor C-man slam out! We don't do any celebrating with family so it is just us:)

We went to an early Christmas Eve service and instead of continuing the idea that I started last year with celebrating as a different country would celebrate, we had dinner at Panera Bread. I was just too tired and didn't want to spend the time in the kitchen! HAHA It was kinda comical, but it ended up being like a "family" feel at Panera and we talked to everyone else there and all wished each other a Merry Christmas! Who would have thought??

We did get a few tractor rides in up and down the street (although C's turned into a lawn mover ride because the tractor wasn't cooperating but he didn't care!). We made cookies and hot chocolate - which I managed to explode in the microwave - for Santa. But now, I am ready for a good nights sleep!