Sunday, August 30, 2009


We were not able to really celebrate our anniversary on the actual day, but we got away to the mountains on Saturday while my in-laws kept S. We went to Brevard and had a great time! We did a bit of hiking(saw a snake - YUCK!!!!!), ate dinner, enjoyed some ice cream, sat down by the river and stopped at Bald Rock on the way home. Before S was born, we camped a lot up in Brevard and loved the chance to get back up there!

The Cradle of Forestry has some nice paved trails with some history added in. M LOVES to read every single plaque so this took quite a bit of time:)

Every time we are in Brevard, we try to eat at the Pisgah Fish Camp. It is so good!

And, of course, a long time favorite is Dolly's ice cream! We ate it down by the river and watched as the tubers came by! Next time we are up there, we plan to get some tubing in as well:)

Bald Rock was beautiful! One of our first dates in college was a mountain day trip with a treat of ice cream on Bald Rock. I should mention that we didn't start dating until January. A VERY cold time of year to be eating ice cream outside in the mountains. We were freezing!!!! We won't soon forget that date, though:)

Friday, August 28, 2009

5 Years!

Today M and I have been married for 5 years! Very hard to believe:) We look back on pictures of when we were dating, engaged and those taken at the wedding and realize how young we looked! Wow - we've gotten old! But, that is the way things go I suppose.

We have so much that we have already shared together in five years. We've had a baby, built a house, bought and sold properties, been on many fun vacations, made major career decisions, and have always stood by each other through the good, the bad and the ugly. We are so blessed to have each other!

It will be awesome to see what we do in the next 5 years!

Friday, August 21, 2009


If you know us, the fact that we love tractors (or, should I say, M loves tractors) is not new news! But, this was S's first tractor show. She had a ball:)
And I wonder why my little girl isn't into princesses!?!?!?:) HA!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Haircut

I finally did it! I took S to see the lady that cuts my hair b/c it was free:) She did great and sat in my lap so nicely like a big girl. I only allowed a tiny bit to be taken off just to even out the bangs and the back. Hopefully this allows her hair to grow in faster and thicker - PLEASE!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I have been trying to get this on video for a while now! This is S reading!! I was cooking today and she brought a stack of books into the kitchen and read on the floor! I love these kind of moments:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pigtails and Motorcycles

S FINALLY has enough hair to do pigtails!! And, if you really pull it back tight, her bangs almost reach so that she can wear a ponytail:) I never thought I would see this day...HA!

Gigi brought these golf clubs for S this week - they were a hit!

Also she has become fascinated with motorcycles. I'm not exactly sure how this came about, but when we are driving and she sees one she keeps saying "touch you" and "hold you" to the motorcycles. So cute! It is even funnier when we haven't seen one in a while, she'll start calling out "motorcycle, where are you?" It cracks me up! So, this afternoon after her nap, I took her to the motorcycle store and let her touch and sit on the motorcycles that were there(I'm sure the employees there thought we were weird!). She was in awe! I tried to get her to put a helmet on, but she wasn't in the mood. It was fun though to watch as she climbed up on the kiddie crotch rocket and grabbed the handles. She looked like a natural!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ahhh... Elmo:)

Every week S and I go to the library and get a couple of Elmo DVDs. Elmo is the ONLY show that keeps her attention and it is also the only way I can get dinner cooked:) So, every evening around 5pm, Elmo comes goes in! I own one DVD and trust me, that got old really fast. When I discovered that the library had Elmo, you better believe that I was on that in a heartbeat! We've been doing this for quite a while now and even though we rotate the library DVDs around, even those were beginning to grate on my nerves. S doesn't mind, she would watch the same one every night and it wouldn't bother her! We went into the library this afternoon and it absolutely made my day to see that they had 3-4 new Elmos!!!!!! I was actually on the verge of giddy when I realized this! I was kinda hyperventilating when I asked the librarian if they'd gotten new ones in, knowing full well that they had because I am an expert on which ones they carry:) Of course, he looked at me a bit strangely and said he really wasn't sure if they had or not. He probably thought I was a nut for being so excited about Elmo. If he only knew that I have to watch/listen to it every night, he would understand my peculiar behavior!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Will's 2nd Bday

S's cousin, Will, celebrated his 2nd birthday this past weekend!
Happy Birthday, Will!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We Love Summer

We went to visit Baby Chloe today(see her up on the counter - SO CUTE!!). Ashley and S got to paint and have peach smoothies so there was no complaining from this kid!!Helping Daddy water the grass.
Can you see right on her forehead, that's a mosquito. Nothing says summertime like a mosquito!! PS - I didn't realize she had this on her head until she got closer.
I love this one!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lara & Elliott's Wedding

M's cousin, Elliott, got married this weekend! The ceremony and reception were both beautiful and we are so happy for Elliott and Lara! This was the first wedding S has been able to go to and she had a BLAST - we knew she would:)

During the ceremony childcare was provided with was much appreciated by this mommy. M was in the wedding, so I would have been having to handle S by myself which would not have been as enjoyable as sitting back and watching the happy couple exchange their vows.

At the reception, S loved dancing, eating the food(this was the first time I'd let her eat grapes w/o cutting them in half and she loved picking them off the bunches) and being the center of attention which she thrives on!

We were able to see a lot of family that we only get to see otherwise once a year. It was wonderful seeing them, even if I was chasing a child around the entire time! What a fun night:)

Congratulations Elliott and Lara!!

Dancing w/ Meme.

My beautiful little princess:)

S and her handsome Daddy in his tux!
Dancing with Mommy.

S loved Daddy's boutonniere.

Enjoying the food.
Flying high with Laura!

Elliott, M and Justin.

Me and my baby girl.