Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ahhh... Elmo:)

Every week S and I go to the library and get a couple of Elmo DVDs. Elmo is the ONLY show that keeps her attention and it is also the only way I can get dinner cooked:) So, every evening around 5pm, Elmo comes goes in! I own one DVD and trust me, that got old really fast. When I discovered that the library had Elmo, you better believe that I was on that in a heartbeat! We've been doing this for quite a while now and even though we rotate the library DVDs around, even those were beginning to grate on my nerves. S doesn't mind, she would watch the same one every night and it wouldn't bother her! We went into the library this afternoon and it absolutely made my day to see that they had 3-4 new Elmos!!!!!! I was actually on the verge of giddy when I realized this! I was kinda hyperventilating when I asked the librarian if they'd gotten new ones in, knowing full well that they had because I am an expert on which ones they carry:) Of course, he looked at me a bit strangely and said he really wasn't sure if they had or not. He probably thought I was a nut for being so excited about Elmo. If he only knew that I have to watch/listen to it every night, he would understand my peculiar behavior!!

1 comment:

w and js mommy said...

We are Elmo fans in this house too he was our one and only...until we met BOZ! BOZ ROCKS! Let me know if you want to borrow any of our videos..W is kinda past him and not sure we are there with J yet...BOZ loves JESUS!