Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend we had yet ANOTHER wedding! I mean, it wouldn't be a weekend without a wedding:) It was a beautiful, Greek wedding for my friend from high school and college, Kate. She got married in Atlanta so we made the trek down I-85. A couple from here went with us and we had a great time!

The wedding was Saturday night and then Sunday we went to the Braves game! Perfect weather!!! What a good time we had with friends and family:)

And, Monday, uggg... was a day of house work and yardwork. We completely wore ourselves out. But, there is always time to play a bit!:)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, after what seemed like the longest wait ever, we found out today that we are going to have a little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything looked good and was measuring on track at the appointment - praise God!

It seems crazy, but I've always thought that I would have all boys! But, in the last few weeks I started second guessing myself, and thought that this would be a girl! I had a dream that it was a girl and my cousin emailed me this morning and told me she had also had a dream that it was a girl! I was convinced that I was going to have a daughter. I am SO excited and can't wait to do the decorating and pick out all the cute little girl clothes! I'm already checking things out on the internet(I'm addicted)! Michael is really cute about it too, he's excited - but worried about the dent spoiling a little girl is going to put in his wallet..hehe:)

Oh, but the worries.... what if she is a girly-girl (which I was NOT) or wants to be a cheerleader (AHHH!!!... which I was NOT)... and think of all the fun mother-daughter fights... wow, this is going to be an adventure!

But, I know the good will far outweigh the bad - plus, I have great friends who have girls that will be a couple years ahead of mine at all times, so I can be somewhat prepared!!

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Got it!

Yay! We got our nursery furniture this weekend:) It is just thrown in the room right now, but here are pictures so you can at least see what it looks like. It is used, but only 2 years old and a heck of a lot cheaper than buying new!! I really like it and can't wait to get the room painted and decorated! We had to move everything out of this room and combine it with the stuff we had in our "storage/junk room". We ended getting rid of quite a bit. It is amazing how someone so small can make you feel like you just outgrew your house!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Inevitable

Okay, I couldn’t deny it any longer, I NEEDED to wear maternity pants! I am sure that my coworkers are tired of seeing me come in w/ my pants unbuttoned and “hiding” it with a belt. So, this morning at exactly 18 weeks, I decided I would wear them. Uggg… I have been avoiding this for weeks. I put them on and ya know, they are SO COMFORTABLE!!! I am wearing the kind w/ elastic and it feels like I am wearing pajamas. They are still a little big on me, but it definitely beats having my entire lower abdomen in cramping pain from wearing my pants too tight!

Mother's Day

This past Sunday we didn't spend Mother's Day with either of our mothers! How awful is that?!?!!? I had gone down to Atlanta the night before and me, my brother and my dad took Mom to dinner for Mother's Day. Michael's mom was out of town and didn't get back until late on Sunday. So, needless to say, we were on our own. It was such a gorgeous day that we packed a picnic dinner to a park on the lake about 5 minutes from our house and spent the evening watching kayakers, families with kids playing ball and a bridal party taking pictures. It was so relaxing and wonderful! You better believe I will be going back often - and probably take my pup with me to join in the fun! Here is a picture, but it doesn't really do the place justice. And, also, ignore the way that we look, we had a lot going on that day and are looking a little on the rough side (ha! especially me!!!).

Thursday, May 10, 2007

This Morning

It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside this morning!!!! I could have sat out on my front porch in the rocking chair for hours (but, of course, work got in the way). For those who don't know, and I don't think many do, I eat breakfast outside every weekday - even when it is absolutely freezing in the winter! I have to let my sweet pup out and don't want her running off but don't have time to eat breakfast inside and then also go outside and let her out. So, this is the only way I can get everything done in the morning before leaving the house. But, some days, like today, it is TOTALLY worth it!!!!!!!!!!!! It was about 6am and the sun was just getting ready to come over the hill in front of our house, there was dew on the ground, the birds were chirping and the roosters were crowing - I loved it! I thoroughly enjoy sleeping in when I can, but if I did that all the time, I would never get to enjoy what a spring morning can be like! I can't think of a better way to start a day!

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Plate

I know it is a bit early for this, but I saw this on Rocks in my Dryer's Works for me Wednesday and thought it was the CUTEST idea! I am thinking that when we find out the gender, I will make M go with me to a paint your own pottery place (that should be funny watching me tell him about my plan for him to go paint pottery!!) and make a plate for the baby that can be used each year on their birthday and maybe even later into life!

Here is the post that I got the idea from:

A few years ago I read a book by Robin Jones Gunn called, Gentle Passages. It is full of small stories and ideas to help guide your daughter into womanhood. My favorite story is about a young girl that came over to Robin’s house and was frustrated because her parents wouldn’t let her go see a certain movie. Robin pulls a dirty paper plate out of the trash can and asks her if she’d like to eat some cake off of it. The girl is horrified. Robin then pulls out a piece of her nicest china and serves the little girl some cake. She reads 2 Timothy 2:20-21 to her:

In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work. (NLT)

Robin explains that the girl’s parents only want her to stay pure and be a “clean plate” useful for the Master’s work. Robin then writes the verse with a Sharpie on the back of the china and gives it to the girl. That little girl kept the plate and used it on her birthday, her graduation and even her wedding day. What a gift!

So, for my daughter’s first birthday, I went to one of those Paint Your Own Pottery places and made a plate for my Lydia. I painted a flower pot with her name written in it. Then 3 flowers coming out of the pot. On those 3 flowers are words that come from the meanings of her name. (well, that’s what it’s supposed to be…I’ve still got to fill in the last 2 flowers…)

I did the words on flowers because these are the qualities and characteristics I want her to grow in her life. I want to see her develop into the name we’ve been speaking over her entire life.
Hopefully, this plate will be meaningful to Lydia. I plan to serve her birthday cake on it every year. I hope one day she eats her wedding cake off of it. I pray she will grow to be the woman that God has already planned for her to be.

*wiping away a tear*

Now, my really good idea with this is the PEN! Surely you didn’t think I really painted all those words on that plate?! I have this great pen that writes on already glazed & fired pottery. After I did the color on the plate and it was glazed & fired, I wrote all the words with this pen, put it in my oven for a half an hour and voila! it’s permanent! (I got the pen from the pottery store, but it’s made by Pebeo and called the Porcelaine150.)

So, you could go to the paintyourownpotterystore and make a plate (or a tile or anything!) for a wedding shower, birthday party, baby shower, graduation party, etc. then have all the guests sign it with this pen. Later you bake it and have a permanent reminder of your special event!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wedding in Atlanta!

On Saturday we went to the wedding of my childhood friend and next door neighbor, Jill. She was a beautiful bride and married a wonderful guy. This was an amazing wedding! I don't think it could have been any more perfect!

Wedding Shower - Tyler & Marsha

Michael's best guy friend (of course, I'm his BEST friend!!) and business partner, Tyler, is getting married in June. We threw a shower for him and his fiance a couple weeks ago. My mom came up from Atlanta and helped me set everything up (THANK GOODNESS!!! I never could have done it myself!). We put so much time and thought into everything. These pictures really don't do it justice, but my mom is a fabulous event planner, although that is not her occupation! I am trying to convince her to move to Greenville and do that! Don't know if her and Dad are going to go for it, but it's worth a shot:)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I was tagged by Magner's Random Ramblings for this "random meme." Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I studied abroad in Australia for 3 months my junior year of college at Bond University! I want to go back SO badly, however, my husband doesn't believe that there is anything better than his hometown - I know he would LOVE it! It was absolutely amazing:)

2. I enjoy cooking and wish I had more time to be creative with it.

3. My absolute favorite thing to do is to go for a walk w/ my dog! The best time to go is on Sunday mornings before church in the warmer months.

4. We are having a baby in October and neither of us know ANYTHING about kids:) One way to find out!!

5. My favorite foods are pizza and Ice Cream (an evening downtown at Barley's and then Spill the Beans is an ideal date for me!!).

6. M and I knew each other only 9 months before he asked my dad if he could marry me - I made him wait until we'd known each other a year before he could ask me:)

7. In college I was a member of the water ski team and the crew team.

I don't have anybody left to tag - so I guess it ends here!