Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Getting Through My Least Favorite Months

January and February are not my favorite months!  But, I will be honest, they've gotten better now that the kids are in school and I'm not trapped in the house with two babies because it is too cold to do anything else!  

S and I went to our first homeless feeding!  I didn't think it would
be appropriate to be snapping photos while we served, but I did
 get one at the end when the kids were drinking/eating(?) hot
chocolate that was left over!

When I got the invitation for C's friend's Nerf birthday party,
I immediately stuck that one on M!  He's much better suite for that
sort of thing!  And, he apparently had as much as C did:)

Child labor at it's best!

And the boy's at it too:)

The kids received a cookbook from the cooking class they went to and were
so excited to make these chicken nuggets!  Lucky me, I had a neighbor join in
the trying-of-patience, um, I mean, relaxing family time!  They really did do a
great job and the nuggets were delicious!!

I had a little time to kill before I had to go get the kids from school!
Nowhere else I'd rather spend it than Barnes and Noble!

Took the kids to pick out their Valentine's for their classes!  These
were there choices, or so I thought!  5 minutes later they changed
their minds and both ended up with something else!  LOL!

Nothing beats running around at the playground before piano!

"I would buy a xBox 390(I think he meant 360!) and a new
robot what makes my bed and brushes my teeth and cleans
my room!"

Apples to Apples Jr. has become a regular affair in the evenings:)

Never a dull moment with these four!

S made a pillow:)

Some friends from church came home with S and they
set up their snack area in the front yard!  HAHA!!
M was sick for a few days, so I took C to basketball practice!
It was fun watching him:)

I tried Stitch Fix for the first time - I think I'm going to like it and
ordered another box and see how it goes!

C has improved tremendously in his reading the past few weeks!
He's actually been choosing to read to pass time - which
has NEVER happened before!!

S caught a bass one evening in the short 20 minutes they were down at the the dock!

I just love going to the grocery store when it's pouring out!
I was so lucky and got to spend 3 days in ONE WEEK at the
dentist's office... I've apparently cracked 2 teeth!!!

Someone pulled the fire alarm at pick up time!  I bet the teachers
were loving that!!!

Gigi visited one afternoon and brought her tent for the kids to play in!

They were totally sleeping, can't you tell!!??!
On President's Day, I took the kids to a camp at the children's
museum for a few hours!  My thought had been that I just KNEW
there were going to be a bunch of snow days in early February and
we would be so sick of each other by the time President's Day arrived!
HA!  It has been SO WARM!!!!  But, we still all enjoyed our day:)

While the kids were at camp, among other things, I went for
a run through Cleveland Park!  It was a beautiful day and I think
it must have been a dad's day out with the kids because the park
was covered with a bunch of dudes and their kids!

Our wedding photographer contacted us a few weeks ago and
asked if we wanted all of our negatives from our wedding!  YES!!!!
I almost forgot what a negative was in this world of
digital photography!  This does say a bit about how long we've
been married:)

Church choir started for the kids and since my class that I'm going
to be doing on Wednesday nights didn't start for another week,
I took the time to read at the church library!  SUCH A GOOD BOOK!

The kids and I did another homeless feeding! This was a first
for C and M was suppose to join us too, but he was laid up with
the flu!  It was a very rewarding time!

S's friend had an ice skating party!

C and I tagged along!  I was so nervous we'd have another egg on the
head episode with this kiddo!  He did start out slow this time, but
in typical fashion, he was soon zooming around the rink - much to my

6 days after coming down with the flu and not leaving the house,
M was on his way to work!  And look how they both came out dressed!
We held our first school Spirit Night at Zaxby's and since I'm
on the board, that meant we were in charge of cleaning the dining
area throughout the night!  Both kids were actually super-excited(C just
didn't want his picture taken!)!

Dinner break for the cleaning crew:)

I don't let the kids watch the DVD player very often unless we
are on a long trip!  But, this kiddo has a lot of time spent going here
there and everywhere, so I let him this day!  This month I've introduced
the kids to The Goonies and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!  Brings back
childhood memories:)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Spring has Sprung

Oh my gosh!!  The weather has been amazing this weekend!  The kids and I stayed outside and enjoyed it as much as possible, and also avoided M with the yucko flu germs!!!!

I went for a walk on Friday before the kids got out of school:)

My yard is coming back to life... please don't have a freeze and
kill all my beautiful flowers!

Park time!!

Walking the sweet pup, Teddy!

Another day at yet another park!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

My Crazies

At some point, I'm hoping I'm able to take them out in public...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

First Soccer Practice - Spring 2017

And, just as we finished basketball, it is time for soccer!  C's team this year has several of the same players as last year, I think there are 5 of them!  He also has a female coach with her two older daughters helping her!  This shouldn't be a big deal, but for C, he seems to respond better to male coaches.  But, we'll see!  He did really well at practice tonight and was his typical aggressive self even scoring several goals during the scrimmage:)  I'm ready to be a soccer mom for the next few months!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Last Basketball Game

This morning was C's last basketball game of the season and he ended it with a BASKET!!!  His one and only for the year and neither of us could have been more excited!

Our team this year has been amazing, and almost(except losing our first game in overtime) went undefeated!  They grew as a team and as individuals exponentially throughout the season!

It was so much more than herding cats this year and we are already looking forward to next year!