Thursday, October 31, 2019

October Pictures

C went home with a friend after school and I get this picture of his
horrid food choices when Mom and Dad aren't there to say "no"!

It has been a HOT few months!!  I was so excited after record breaking
highs all week, to see this forecast starting on Saturday 10/5!
Date night to Purple Onion in Saluda, NC

First time to Andy's - it was a HIT!

M and C putting the new tree stand together

I caught them loving each other as we ran through the
rain at the grocery store!
Just a cookin'!

Kids had their fall pictures done instead of Christmas pictures
for the Christmas card this year!

Poor kid stepped in an anthill before pictures even started!
He rallied, though, and we made it through!  There were
also little gnats everywhere so I was constantly
fanning them with a huge fan that the photographer
had!  Hopefully she was able to get some good shots
between all the adversities!
Last game for the fall - he played Momma's position, short stop!

I received a Starbuck's gift card for my bday!  Perfect!

C and Jackson on a field trip to Fluor Field!
Plane flying... great for all ages of boys!

Nothing to see here... just another day with this crazy!
C decided to give wrestling a try this year.  We were both completely lost
at his first practice!!

Halloween 2019

Tonight we had a Halloween that was probably the best yet!

We started with our friends joining us for pizza before heading out to go trick or treating in the neighborhood.  We had SO MANY friends join us as we walked the neighborhood!  It was great to have all of them!  The kids had their friends and I had mine(M was still out of town)!

Everyone was over the trick or treating by the time we got back to the house, but that doesn't mean that the kids weren't still ready to decorate cookies - just a little more sugar to top the night off!

Jack-o-Lantern pizza

Our beginning group!  We got a late start so it was almost
dark by the time we got going!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

TFBC Trunk or Treat

Years ago, our church use to host a fall festival every year.  But it has been quite a while since we've done anything.  This year, we have a new Children's Minister and new Youth Minister and they decided to have a Trunk or Treat geared towards the children of the church and not necessarily make it an outreach event(though, by the number of people there, some of the community also showed up!).  

Because the weather was not good, the event was moved indoors!  It was crowded, but it worked!  My life group hosted a spot that was a college sports theme and S's life group hosted a spot that was M&M themed!  Because C is still in elementary school, he was the benefactor of the event and got to trick or treat around to the many stations collecting candy and playing various games.  It was so much fun!  And some life groups went WAY above and beyond in the creativity!!  

I hope we continue to do this at our church!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Great Wolf Lodge

It's Fall Break for us, so I thought that since M was out of town the kids and I should do something to celebrate and have fun!  I booked a night at Great Wolf Lodge and kept it a surprise from the kids! 

We got to Concord Mills in time for lunch at Chipotle and then there was an Old Navy Outlet and the kids have pretty much outgrown all of their winter clothes, so we stopped and spent a small fortune!  We also made sure to stop for milkshakes at Steak and Shake;)

Just over the interstate was our final destination and they were so excited when they figured out where we were going!  We got checked in(not quite into our rooms because you can check into the water park before room check in and our room wasn't quite ready yet!), changed clothes and were at the water park by 2pm!  What a ball!!  We stayed until it closed at 8pm - the kids even bypassed the option to Trick or Treat to stay and play!  Worked for me!  We ordered pizza from Great Wolf(it wasn't good, but it worked!) and watched a little bit of TV before turning the lights off! 

In the morning, they have the option to leave a note on your door for Dunkin Donuts coffee and doughnut delivery in the morning!  YES! PLEASE!  The water park opened back up at 9am and we were there for the opening of the doors(I had to laugh because 90% of the parents there also had coffee in hand!)!  There were not many lines for the first couple of hours and we pretty much ran up the stairs, slid down the slides and then did it all over again!  The kids liked the Tornado the best and I liked the tube ride best.  We rode and played until we were all exhausted and left about 1pm with no complaints from anyone!

Such a fun excursion!!  We all want to go back soon!

Never a dull moment!


We made it!

Best Idea EVER!