Friday, October 4, 2019

S's Friend Birthday - Dollar Tree Craft Challenge

This afternoon I picked S and 5 of her friends up from school to celebrate her 12th birthday!  It was a loud drive, but boy were they having fun!

I took them to Dollar Tree and told them that they each had 10 minutes to find 10 items to use in a craft challenge when we got back to the house!  I mean, you should have seen these girls running up and down aisles, changing their minds and then running some more!  The lady working the register thought it was great fun:)

We returned to the house, the girls all dumped their goods on the table and crafted away, singing and laughing for the next hour!  We then had a vote on the best(The girls were so kind and voted S's craft as the winner! Such good friends for the birthday girl!), sang Happy Birthday, ate cake and opened presents!

This was such a simple, and fairly inexpensive, party!  But, oh was it a lot of fun!!!!

The shopping process was hilarious!

Checking out was pretty humorous too!!

I wish I had moved my big ol' purse, but quite honestly, there
was not an inch of space to spare in the car between craft
supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes and instruments!

Busy crafting away!

All the finished products!

Directing "Happy Birthday"

Marlee, S and Ava

Riley, Alex, Marlee, S, Ava and Halle

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