Monday, September 30, 2019

September Pictures

I took C and friend to Yogurt Mountain - they ate a LOT!

We hosted a dinner group at our house and the girls
were playing the parts of "slaves" to the boys and even
dressed the part!  LOL!

I spend a lot of time in the car and have started listening to
audio-books to make the time go by faster!

I have started running the school store two days a month!
It's a good way to be involved without too much responsibility!

I've also learned how to keep the "book" at baseball games!

S has really taken to playing the flute!  Some mornings when
she is dropped off at school early, she will go down to the band
room where they have the older kids teaching the 6th graders!

Penguinos for the first time this year!

Having to change a light bulb in the living room is not for
the feint of heart!

Getting him to fold his laundry can be a challenge!  

Made his own Clemson shirt!

S getting creative with her nails!

We had a single cool morning and I took full advantage at a new coffee shop,
Barista Tiny, located in a tiny home community.

Dress up day at school

Date night to Saskatoon and to see Downton Abbey on
opening night at the theater

Keowee day!

M and C worked on oiling/staining the dock

S joined many, many kids from her school at See You at the Pole before school
one day!

C has a reading buddy in kindergarten that they go down
and read to once a week.  The aid in that class is his aid from
kindergarten so she took a picture for me:)  And, the little
boy he reads to is also named 'Colton'!  LOL!

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