Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise!

This morning before a big storm rolled in, the kids and I played outside and it was absolutely perfect! S was loving loading up the jeep with rocks and mulch to haul saying she was a dump truck driver (hmmm... interesting!). C was petting Abby and sharing his toys with her - nothing like a little bit of dog in your mouth YUCK!

PS - I should add that by the end of the day, I was ready to run away and not come back:) HAHA! Amazing how such a fabulous day can turn into such a trying day!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

This is How We Roll!

Pre-babies, I use to walk all the time with Abby and it was my absolute FAVORITE thing to do!! Now, I still love it, but it involves a lot more planning to go! I have to go when nobody is eating, sleeping, pooping, the weather can't be too hot or cold or windy, and when I have an extra person around because I don't have a double stroller. Needless to say, walks right now are few and far between! But, when I do get a chance to go, it is bliss!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tractor Ridin' Time

M took C-man on his first tractor ride today!! Last time we just had a photo shoot on the tractor. Now that M has it fixed and running right, it was time to get that kid riding it! Usually I am the one going crazy to get a picture, but for this momentous occasion, M was dragging me out there and getting the camera for me! Think he was excited about his little boy getting up on that JD?!?!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hard Work

It's hard work being a ballerina!!:)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Swing, swing, way up high...

First time in a swing!!:)

HAHA! Gotta work on getting those arms out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Night of Firsts

Tonight we gave C his first puff to see what he thought. I stuck the first one in his mouth for him and he was most definitely not sure what to do with it! HA! I then put a few more on his tray and it was quite entertaining watching as he tried to get them into his mouth. Apparently his fine motor skills are still developing. All in all he did pretty well with them and only got choked once!

I also decided that S had so much fun with a friend's art table that I would set her one up in her room.... gulp! We had a table already but it was just hanging out in C's room because I had nowhere else to store it. I bought a few craft organizing drawers this afternoon and put all her crafts (except for paint and scissors) in her room. I am a little nervous about marker ending up all over the place or stickers stuck on everything. Hopefully there will not be a later blog about that!! HA! She absolutely LOVED it and was so excited to have her own art table!! A little freedom for her!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day was all about the kids (well, really S) this year!

The morning started out with a crazy, wild, fun play date. There were tons of kids there. Here is the best pic we got of them. Poor C didn't make the picture b/c Mommy wasn't thinking and only brought the wrap to carry him in and nothing to set him down in. I won't make that mistake again! He did get a good little nap in, though:)

After a little downtime for S and a nap for C, we headed to Iced to decorate cupcakes. I think the kids must have been on sugar overload. They were literally bouncing off the walls:) The girls working there must have been so glad to see us leave! HA!!!

When Daddy got home, we gave S her little Valentines gift. Thank you Dollar section at Target for the goodies!

S had a blast and was totally exhausted by the end of the day. Next year I am sure C-man will be trying to keep up with her and enjoy things just as much!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Quack Quack

Nothing like a Sunday afternoon at the lake feeding the ducks! There were even seagulls which seemed a little strange to me! S had fun feeding them and walking on the rocks with Daddy and C was enthralled with all the ducks and couldn't take his eyes off of them, except to check out his sister of course:)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Engineer It!

Today was engineering day at Roper Mountain Science Center. There were employees of Fluor there to show the kids were able to participate in engineering challenges. S was able to build a bridge and learned how to make it sturdy and how her toys turn on and off with the use of circuits, the difference b/w acids and bases and what some household substances are, she drew a house plan with Daddy and made a pulley system. Now, I'm not saying she understood exactly what the engineers were telling her, but she sure was attentive and listened to all they had to say! She waited her turn and didn't want to leave before she was able to try each activity at every. She really was into it! After we had exhausted the engineering exhibit, we headed over to see the indoor animals!! Yay, again, for Roper Mountain Science Center!:)

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Boy

So, I finally got a chance to work on my photography a bit this afternoon with C-man while S napped! He was a good sport and is definitely my best subject right now (he can't get away from me - HA!). And, not to mention, I think he is the cutest little boy ever:)

Now, those of you who know about photography, in the last 2 pics where he is laying down. Why do those pictures look so washed? Should I have put it on a lower ISO? Maybe I should have turned him a bit where I wasn't shooting so much into the sun? Any pointers would be much appreciated!!

Move Over Stevie Wonder

My MIL sent this to me a few days ago and I thought it was precious!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I was so excited to take a photography class last weekend and learn a few things about my camera!! It was a perfect getaway for a few hours as well:) Here are a few of my shots! And, since the class, I have not even touched my camera b/c we've been so busy. How sad is that!?!? I'm going to forget everything I learned before I even get to try it out:) Maybe this weekend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ballerina S

This girl wants to be a ballerina so badly!! She puts on her tights, ballet slippers and tutu every day and practices her ballet. And, she is serious about it! She gets all out of breath from working so hard at it! She even refers to herself as 'Ballerina' and will not respond when you say 'S'. Too funny!! I can't wait to get her in dance classes this fall:)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7 Months

Today my little man is 7 months old and what a fun 7-month-birthday gift to have Gigi visit!:)

This past month has been a busy month for C:

  • Started sleeping without a swaddle and on his belly - whew was that interesting for a while!
  • He is able to roll deliberately where he wants to go and is determined retrieve what he wants.
  • Has learned to sit by himself.
  • Had surgery to remove a urethral cyst. All is healed now and we are so glad it is behind us!
  • He has gotten 4 teeth this month for a total of 6 (3 on the top and 3 on the bottom).
  • He is sitting in high chairs by himself when we go out to eat.
  • He has been given a sippy cup, but doesn't really know what to do with it yet other than chew on it:)
  • He LOVES trucks! We have not really pushed any toy in particular on him, but it is obviously in his genes. He can't get enough of them and will drop whatever else he may be playing with if he spots a truck nearby!
  • He eats 3 meals a day with us consisting of rice cereal and babyfood. He nurses 4 times throughout the day and sometimes takes a bottle at night before going to bed. Think the kid eats!?!?
  • Naps are still unpredictable in length. He typically gets up at 5am to eat and goes back to sleep until about 7/7:30. He has a nap about 10am, the next around 2pm and another around 5:30pm. Usually these are 30-45 naps, but he has been known to go as long as 2 hours very occasionally. I will be glad when the afternoon nap is a little longer so that it coincides with S's nap/quiet time!
  • C weighs 19lb11oz by the end of his sixth month.