Saturday, February 27, 2010

Girls' Night In

Daddy was out of town this evening, so S and I had a "picnic" in the living room! This was the first time that we had done this and S thought it was so cool:) I have tried full-length movies with S before and she has not been able to sit through them, but I decided to give it another try. We put Finding Nemo in while we ate and it lasted for a bit, but she lost interest before long. Oh well, we had fun together at our girls' night in:)

Princess Party

We had so much fun today at our favorite party spot, Pump it Up, while we celebrated sweet OK's THIRD birthday!! What a great day and a great party for a beautiful birthday princess!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Entertainment:)

Friday we had our SS Valentine's party! It was a hoot!!! The guys hosted (with a huge amount of help from Vicki!!!!!!) and a few of the guys put together a band as the entertainment for the night. What a show they put on:) They practiced twice before the got up in front of us and thus dubbed themselves "Take Three". I only had my regular camera to use to get video, so it doesn't do them justice, but you get the point! They did a really good job and the entire night was such a fun time!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spring Please Hurry!

This afternoon while driving home I noticed that my car said it was 53* outside!!! This seemed downright hot compared to the weather we've been having, so I told S that when we got home we'd play outside before dinner. Man, was she excited!!!! Poor girl has been asking to play with chalk and bubbles for days and finally she was able to do so! I was so glad to see her enjoying herself outside - and I think Abby was glad to have some company as well!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Half Way There

WOW! Last week I hit the half way mark! Where have the past 20 weeks gone??? I remember when I was pregnant with S, that the time just seemed to tick by so slowly! This time, though, is a completely different story! I feel like I have so much to do and haven't even hardly put a dent in it yet! I started taking belly pics at 16 weeks (meant to start at 10 weeks, oops!!!) and have taken them every week to watch the progression. This is something I did not do the first time around and I regret it so I am trying to be much more diligent this time!

These pics are from 16 weeks and 20 weeks. HA! It just happened that I was wearing the same shirt on these days! It will be interesting to see the difference in another 10 weeks or so:)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


We finally got some really good snow!! It was so powdery! M and I really wished we were skiing after seeing it:) It started Friday afternoon and I debated about whether or not to go to the grocery store to get the essentials (not just milk, bread and eggs). In the end, I decided to go and am sure glad that I did!! We probably ended up getting about 4 inches!!

Friday night after dinner we went out and introduced S to real snow. After realizing she wasn't going to slip and fall like she did in the ice a couple weeks ago, she decided that it wasn't so bad. She enjoyed making snowballs and throwing them. We don't have the proper attire for her to wear in the snow, so her litte cotton gloves only did so much for her. We came in when her hands started turning purple (no, seriously, we had to come in and put them under the hairdryer!).

Today, we went and got the sleigh out. M made this when he was in high school but I have never had the chance to ride in it. It was great! He pulled us around all bundled up with the tractor. S loved it and so did I. The dogs were having a blast too chasing after us!

We had a fun day, but the snow melted really fast! Hopefully we'll get another good snow this year:)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Curly Hair

Gigi has been visiting us for the last couple of days and S has LOVED all the attention! Gigi put some curlers is S's while she was here and S thought she was getting ready for a beauty pageant. She had a ball! Although the end result was less than desirable (I think S's hair is too thin still), it was a fun time nonetheless!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Glimpse...

into our future?? Oh dear!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Shopping for Brother

Yesterday, after we found out we were having a boy, I took S shopping to pick out an outfit for her new baby brother. She enjoyed walking around and helping to pick out clothes. Although, if left up to her, she would have purchased the most expensive outfit there - we're definitely in trouble when she's 15!! I did find a wall with an assortment of less expensive items, and she was able to choose which outfit she wanted to get for him. She chose the one with a giraffe on it, of course!! While we were walking to check out, she kept telling me it was for her baby sister.... sigh, oh well!:)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had our ultrasound this morning! Before going, I stopped and got this pineapple/mango/orange juice drink to get some sugar in me to make the baby move around so that we would be able see what it was. I did this since when we went for our ultrasound when I was pregnant with S, she was stubborn and decided it was nap time (the only time she ever stopped moving when she was in me and since she has been born is when we had ultrasounds - silly girl!!!) Well, apparently I didn't need to do that with this one because the ultrasound tech had a hard time seeing and measuring things because this baby would NOT be still. Oops:)

But, eventually, she got it all done and told us everything looked great and that all the major organs were there - THANK YOU GOD FOR THAT!! I had a fear going into the ultrasound, as I am sure most moms do, that something would not be quite right.

And, obviously, we know now that we are having a BOY and he was definitely not shy about letting us know! We are SO SO SO excited and I can't wait (and I know Michael can't either) to bring some blue into the house:)

The only thing that is off is that the baby is still measuring a week ahead - apparently I have a big baby growing inside of me! He was also measuring ahead at my last ultrasound six weeks ago and I just assumed that the tech had not measured exactly right. Maybe I was wrong!! This is a far cry from my little peanut of a girl last time around:)