Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two Can Play That Game

I've been trying to think of activities to do with the kids that BOTH kids can participate in since usually C is stuck sitting in the stroller the whole time and he is at the age where that just ain't cuttin' it anymore!! Last week a Groupon came out for Play Nation. I jumped on it! We went a long time ago when C was probably 2-3 months old and just really slept through the whole thing. Not this time!! He was loving it! He attempted to climb up the slide, he did climb up the ladder a ways (WHAT!?!?!), I pushed him in the swing and he crawled and crawled around the whole place without being told "no-no" constantly!! S was having a ball too with a new little friend she met there, although they were both type A personalities and a bit bossy:) I have 5 passes left from my Groupon and you better believe we'll be using them!!

Then we came home and I put them to work in the kitchen together!! Fun for all:)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day...

Redneck style!!:)

So, although our trip went fairly well, I still needed a B.R.E.A.K from the kids. On the way home on Sunday I called in the reinforcements - Gigi!!! Isn't she great!?!?!:)

She got here super early so that she could give us the whole day to get stuff done, nap and generally be kid-free:) BLISS!!! We did odds and ends and Gigi set up the sprinkler and pool for S to play in. And play she did:) We even took the picnic table outside and let her have her lunch outside so she didn't have to come in yet. But the real reason was so that we didn't have to worry about getting her dried off, changed and cleaned up because we were pretty hungry by that time too and just wanted to eat! HA! I didn't get C out in it just to avoid having to do extra work. I know, I know, that is so lazy, but it's the truth. He'll get his turn soon I'm sure!

It was a much needed "day off" from kids and I feel I can now get through the week!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Washington DC

One of my roommates from college got married this weekend in DC. I had planned to take the trip by myself, but M insisted that we make it a family affair. Ugg... I dreaded this for months!!

On Friday we woke up and got ourselves ready and then woke the kids up and were out the door my 5:45am. We drove, and drove, and drove and ELEVEN hours later pulled up to our hotel all exhausted and tired and poor C was so congested and sick! We tried to bunk the kids into a room together, but that was a big fat fail (we'll have to try again when C is a little older).

On Saturday we rode the Metro (the first time for both kids on a train which S was a huge fan of) about an hour down to the National Mall area. It was a relatively warm day and we only had a stroller for C. S was a trouper, but she did tire quickly. We went into the castle, took pics of course, ate pretzels on the steps of the Dept of Agriculture(while M went to see what he could see) and spent some time in the Museum of Natural History. After all of that, we were all ready to head back to the hotel. Back onto the Metro for an hour, into the car, stop for lunch (at 3pm!!) and then to the hotel for the kids to take naps. That night was the wedding. Since C was not feeling well and needed to get his rest, I took S with me and left the boys at the hotel. She LOVED the wedding and was enamored by the bride and her dress! She DANCED, DANCED and DANCED some more!! Totally in her element! She wore me and my girlfriends completely out! I am so glad she was able to go with me and that she did so well while we were there!

On Sunday, we woke up, ate breakfast and were back on the road home! It was an absolute whirlwind trip and we are all very tired. But, it was fun too, and considering everything we put them through, the kids were both really good!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Family BBQ

My Mom to Mom group is awesome!! We had a family get together with husbands and kids and had a ball! It was so neat to see all of the loved ones that we heard about every Wednesday and now finally got to put a face with a name! We had a great time with our friends and enjoyed meeting all the families!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Scream, You Scream...

We all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

Freedom of Choice

C has discovered that he can pull up on his toy box and pick out what he wants to play with whenever he wants. Great idea until the toy of choice is on the bottom and he falls right in!! He does enjoy this new found freedom, though:)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cluck, Cluck, Baby Chicks

We went to the Farm again today and got to see, touch and feed the baby chicks! S was really intent on holding the chick since she had been able to hold the baby duck just last week. But, the kids were only allowed to pet with one finger! C thought the big chickens in the coop were pretty cool until the rooster started crowing and scared my poor little man! Every time the rooster crowed you can be sure C would start crying. So, I ended up carrying him most of the time (neither a paci or food would work so you know he wasn't happy about that darn rooster!). But, all in all, another fun day at the farm!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Magic of Praise Baby

C doesn't watch much TV. Even though he is exposed to it quite a bit with S watching her shows, he just doesn't seem interested yet. Today, though, I brought out Praise Baby because I remembered it was the first TV that S got into and I needed to get some stuff done(not that I use TV as a babysitter or anything...HA!). He LOVED it... but only for about 5 minutes:) But, that is the most interested he has been in TV so far, so I'll take 5 minutes.

Princess Who??

Yesterday we went to a princess party(no boys allowed!) for a sweet friend! As we were arriving, Cinderella showed up and we followed her in! VERY EXCITING! But, here's the catch, S knew she was a princess, but she had no idea which one! What 3 year old girl doesn't know who Cinderella is??? Eye! Also, the girls were to come dressed as sparkly princesses. We don't really own any princess dresses, so S dressed in her sparliest ballerina tutu... it worked:) The girls were able to have makeup put on by Cinderella herself(S's first time to have makeup on and she was so so excited!), then crafts, games, stories, dancing, cake and lots of dress up time. It was so fun to watch S get exciting to put on all the different dresses and twirl around like a ballerina(maybe a bit too much as she wanted everyone to sit and watch her do her dances!). As we were leaving, Cinderella was catching her ride as well. S asked where she was going and I told her she was going to her castle. "Where's that?" S asked to which I replied "At Disney World." A short pause and then, "I wanna go see it." YAY! OKAY! ME TOO!!! I think I need to start planning my Disney trip now:) The joys of having a little princess (or maybe ballerina in our case)!!:)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Storm Watchers

The kids were very entertained by the storm that came through causing trees to really blow hard!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Back on the Farm

WOOHOO back to Roper Mountain!

We went on a bear hunt this time (thank goodness we didn't find one!) and had a ball hiking through the trails there. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a stop at the barn to check on Gracie the Cow!

Can't wait for next week:)

Baby Ducks

Our neighbors hatch baby chicks and baby ducks each spring. We missed the baby chicks because of their kids being sick and C-man being sick. We did manage to get a peak at the baby ducks that were SO CUTE!! S loved holding them(although sometimes a bit too tightly making them chirp!). Very cool to have neighbors that do things like this!