Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two Can Play That Game

I've been trying to think of activities to do with the kids that BOTH kids can participate in since usually C is stuck sitting in the stroller the whole time and he is at the age where that just ain't cuttin' it anymore!! Last week a Groupon came out for Play Nation. I jumped on it! We went a long time ago when C was probably 2-3 months old and just really slept through the whole thing. Not this time!! He was loving it! He attempted to climb up the slide, he did climb up the ladder a ways (WHAT!?!?!), I pushed him in the swing and he crawled and crawled around the whole place without being told "no-no" constantly!! S was having a ball too with a new little friend she met there, although they were both type A personalities and a bit bossy:) I have 5 passes left from my Groupon and you better believe we'll be using them!!

Then we came home and I put them to work in the kitchen together!! Fun for all:)

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