Monday, January 26, 2009

S Gets Her Groove On!

Tonight S was showing us all her new "moves"!!! I wish we had gotten the camera out earlier b/c she was hysterical - spinning in circles, squatting and then jumpin up to her tip toes. Oh, it was so much fun!!!

The first moves you'll see her do are her leg extensions/high kicks followed by her all out best dance move, the run-in-place:) I wonder where she picked up her dancing, not from her mommy and daddy that's for sure!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Walk in the Park

Well, actually, we didn't do too much walking. It was more like running, climbing and sliding!! The last 2 days have been SO NICE here! 60* weather - I love it! I've taken S to the local park/playground both days. It has probably been about a month or so since we've been and it is absolutely amazing how much more she is able to do on her own now! Before, while she was running through the place, I'd have to worry about her tripping over the railroad ties. Now, she more often than not, steps over them and continues on her run!! She is able to climb up the stairs unassisted, get on the slide and go down w/o anyone catching her at the bottom!! WOW, she is growing up so, so quickly! It is fun to watch her learn and be able to do things on her own!

Playing in the train.

"Cheese!" Would you look at those bangs?!?! Where is the rest of her hair, come on already, GROW!

Climbing up to the slide.
Running around like the crazy girl she is!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Our Beautiful, Private Woods...

are gone!!!!

Well, not all of them, but most of them. Before, the woods around our house were so think the sun couldn't even get through. Now, they could play football in the cleared area (well, except they might trip over the stumps left behind). So sad! I am just hoping they don't build a subdivision there!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


This morning we woke up to snow flurries! They didn't last long, but S enjoyed standing at the door and watching them. I wish it would have snowed all day and we could have played in it. But, here it is, 10am, and you can't even tell it ever snowed:(

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Spoon - What a Concept

Tonight we introduced a spoon to S for the first time.

Yes, I know I'm a bit late on doing this, but the mess that I know is coming just freaks me out! I don't know if I'm ready for all this! But, I bit the bullet and let her have one tonight for her mac and cheese.

Let me back up a second, I had no intention on giving her the spoon, in fact it never even entered my mind, but while I was running out to the car to get something, S's daddy thought it would be an ingenious idea to let her have a KNIFE to play with!! Um... what?!?! I was not particularly comfortable with this so I took the knife from her (insert SERIOUS meltdown scream here) and quickly, as fast as I could, put that spoon in her hand. She was still not thrilled about it, she apparently favored the knife, but once I showed her how to use it she warmed up to the spoon and actually enjoyed using it and did a farely good (and pretty clean) job with it!

So, another hurdle over and another chapter about to begin!

Monday, January 12, 2009

15 Months

I can't believe it?!?!?! Last week, S turned 15 months. Where has the time gone?? We had her appt today and all checked out great - she is well (hope I didn't jinx myself) and is right on track developmentally. She is on the slimmer side and I asked our ped if he was concerned and he said that as active as she is (she was giving him a great show of how she is non-stop ALL THE TIME while we were there) that it doesn't bother him at all!

Here are her stats:
height - 31.5in.(82%tile)
weight - 20lb12oz(18%tile)
head - 17.8in(31%tile)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1st Day of PDO

This morning I dropped S off for her first day of PDO! It was really hard to leave her and when I picked her up they said that she had a hard time with the nap. Hopefully that will get better as she gets use to sleeping w/ other kids in the same room. Everyone has told me what a great program our church has so I am anxious to see how S will grow and learn in the next 5 months!

I am SO excited to have 5 whole hours to myself every week!!! I plan to use this time to get my name out there as a real estate agent (HINT-let me know if you need one!) and put in some office hours. I went there today and it was so nice to be working again! I really enjoy real estate and know that this is going to be something that I look forward to getting to do! I would never give up being a stay-at-home mom (unless I had to financially) but it is nice to be able to do both. I am thrilled to get started!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Family Resemblances

I didn't realize how much S and I look alike until I was going through some pictures at my parents' house!
These are pics of me when I was about S's age.

Then, at M's family reunion, we noticed how much she looks like his side of the family as well. I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but the girl holding S on the swing looked SO much like S and her mom said there was even more similarity when this girl was S's age! It's funny how one child can look so much like so many different people!