Friday, January 16, 2009

A Spoon - What a Concept

Tonight we introduced a spoon to S for the first time.

Yes, I know I'm a bit late on doing this, but the mess that I know is coming just freaks me out! I don't know if I'm ready for all this! But, I bit the bullet and let her have one tonight for her mac and cheese.

Let me back up a second, I had no intention on giving her the spoon, in fact it never even entered my mind, but while I was running out to the car to get something, S's daddy thought it would be an ingenious idea to let her have a KNIFE to play with!! Um... what?!?! I was not particularly comfortable with this so I took the knife from her (insert SERIOUS meltdown scream here) and quickly, as fast as I could, put that spoon in her hand. She was still not thrilled about it, she apparently favored the knife, but once I showed her how to use it she warmed up to the spoon and actually enjoyed using it and did a farely good (and pretty clean) job with it!

So, another hurdle over and another chapter about to begin!


Amanda said...

Oh, M! I just had to read that one aloud to my fella. I could see the same thing happening to us...

Outnumbered! said...

I'm with you with the whole spoon thing. I didn't let RC have one for a LONG time. I didn't mind feeding him to avoid the mess. It is so nice now that he can totally feed himself though.