Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hilton Head 2012 Day 5

Great weather greeted us yet again this morning! We could hardly believe it!!

We had a HUGE storm last night, though, that knocked out the power for a couple of hours and caused the kids to be up a few times throughout the night. Not a good thing for already tired kiddos!
M had been wanting to go to Pinkney Island Wildlife Refuge again this year like we did last year and we thought this morning would be a good choice. Well, the kids were not so much into it. I don't think we even made it as far this year as we did last year before giving up and heading back to the car. Maybe 2013 is our lucky year!?!?:)

Before heading back to the condo we drove through an area of the island that I don't remember ever having been through before - Spanish Wells. It was a beautiful drive with ginormous houses. So peaceful!!

We finished up our morning at the pool where S was doing lots and lots of very good diving and swimming! She improved by leaps and bounds in just a few short days at the pool! C was jumping over and over again without us holding his hands and also was learning to propel himself in his Puddle Jumper so that he could get where he wanted to go! I was so proud of both kids!

After naps the kids were kinda cranky(see picture of them on the couch!) but since we would definitely be leaving in the morning(our rental will be over), we wanted to make sure we got one more chance on the beach and I am so so glad that we did! The kids enjoyed it as much today as they did the first day we were here! They jumped the waves, made a big hole with a river to the ocean. I think the trick for them is to do the pool in the morning and the beach in the afternoon. Glad we figured this out on the last day HA! We loved our last afternoon at the beach!!
We did an easy dinner at Wild Wing Cafe and then came home and we all crashed! I don't think the kids talked for even five minutes tonight!!
Thank you Hilton Head for another year of wonderful memories! We will be back again next year!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hilton Head 2012 Day 4

Today we celebrated our 8th anniversary! Happy Anniversary!!!

We really thought we'd be leaving this morning because of the weather forecast that was still gloomy, but were surprised again with clear skies and stayed another day!:)

We got a slow start this morning but finally made it out to the beach! M had to bring C-man back to the condo early to take a nap as he was beside himself and couldn't get it together he was so tired. S and I stayed about another hour before we went back too! While C napped, S relaxed with some TV. After everyone was awake and fed we went to the pool for a good swim! I didn't take many pictures of the beach and pool today - oh well!!

Dinner tonight was at the Old Oyster Factory! We had been here with S a few years ago before C was born and had had a great experience and tonight was no different! When you go to the beach this time of year when most people are already back home for school, you get the good seats by the window where you can watch the fish swim in the sound and the birds catch them and eat them and watch as the fish literally wiggles down its throat. Kinda gross but at the same time kinda cool!!

After dinner we made it back to the condo for an early bedtime tonight!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hilton Head 2012 Day 3

To our surprise it wasn't raining when we woke up, so we headed to the beach even though it was extremely overcast!  The kids lasted for a little while but then we opted for an early morning nap because the whining was getting out of control and it was starting to rain by this point as well!

And, the rain continued into the afternoon, so after everyone was rested, happier and fed, we tried a new place for us that we'd never been to and went to The Sandbox Children's Museum.  None of us had ever been to a children's museum of any kind before and although this one was probably smaller than others, it was thoroughly enjoyed by the kids!  They played with tools, drove a ship and an airplane, pretended to be cashiers, played veterinarian and choo-choo conductor and did art.  This was a great way to spend a couple hours on a rainy afternoon!

By the time we left, the rain had stopped, the sun was shining and we went to the pool!!  We ordered pizza to the condo and got back from the pool just in time to have the pizza man ringing our doorbell!  Awesome timing!!:)

After we ate dinner, we made smoothies and went back to the beach for an evening stroll!

We must have done a good job of wearing the kiddos out because they went to bed much much quicker tonight:)  Mission accomplished!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hilton Head 2012 Day 2

So we started our day this morning at 6am like I said in the last post. I think this was the start of the decline in behavior for the week! The kids didn't get as much sleep as they should have/needed because they were in the same room and thus they were somewhat whiny while we were there! But, we made it through, and still were able to mostly enjoy the trip.

SO, when you start your day at 6am you are out on the beach by 8am HAHA!! This time, though, both kids were in rash guards to cover them a little more and protect their already sunburned bodies! After some time at the beach, we moved our party to the pool:)

After both kids took naps, we went to Harbor Town and ate at The Crazy Crab!  Ever since I can remember, we always always went to The Crazy Crab when we went to Hilton Head growing up and the three times we have been as a family we have continued the tradition!  We walked around and looked at the lighthouse and the huge yachts, listened to the live music and enjoyed watching S as she entertained us from the stage there.  She kept yelling out to nobody in particular that they needed to come listen to her sing!  She was born for the stage!!:)

When we got back to the condo, we took a walk on the beach to get some beach pictures because we were anticipating rain for the rest of the week and were ready to have to pack up to come home in the morning!