Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hilton Head 2012 Day 4

Today we celebrated our 8th anniversary! Happy Anniversary!!!

We really thought we'd be leaving this morning because of the weather forecast that was still gloomy, but were surprised again with clear skies and stayed another day!:)

We got a slow start this morning but finally made it out to the beach! M had to bring C-man back to the condo early to take a nap as he was beside himself and couldn't get it together he was so tired. S and I stayed about another hour before we went back too! While C napped, S relaxed with some TV. After everyone was awake and fed we went to the pool for a good swim! I didn't take many pictures of the beach and pool today - oh well!!

Dinner tonight was at the Old Oyster Factory! We had been here with S a few years ago before C was born and had had a great experience and tonight was no different! When you go to the beach this time of year when most people are already back home for school, you get the good seats by the window where you can watch the fish swim in the sound and the birds catch them and eat them and watch as the fish literally wiggles down its throat. Kinda gross but at the same time kinda cool!!

After dinner we made it back to the condo for an early bedtime tonight!

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