Monday, August 13, 2012


Today was S's last day of gymnastics.  We've had seven lessons this summer, and S has thoroughly enjoyed each one of them!  Her teacher, Ms. Stacey, has been fabulous and we've made some good friends this summer in her class!  Today was the first day I have been able to sit and watch her!  She loved it and so did I!   Usually I am chasing C around or running errands so I don't have to chase him around, but today he had speech at the same time as gymnastics and Grandmomma stayed back at the house with him!  These pictures were taken from the upper level viewing area and most have a glare from the glass, but you get the idea.  S requested that I take pictures during her class and I am not one to say "no" to pictures!  HA!  What a great way to end our summer classes!  This coming year it will be all about dance, but S is already talking about next summer when I told her she'd be able to take gymnastics again:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow..quite impressive!!