Friday, July 31, 2015

YMCA Camps

This past week the kids have been in camp!  This is the only week I have them signed up, and it was a great break for all of us to be away from each other for 3 hours each day:)

S did an art camp with her friend Mattie and loved it!  They worked with pastels, made pottery, did printing, painted self portraits, learned about warm and cool colors using a broom to paint, used water colors to paint a city skyline and then ended the week with an art show for the parents!  She was so proud of all her work and was excited to show it off to me!

While S was doing an art camp, C was just down the road about half a mile at a construction camp with Mattie's brothers, Manning and Barnett!  Each day he was eager to see what they were going to construct!  They made and painted bug houses(and then spent lots of time catching bugs.. haha!), formed a brick, dipped candles, tie-dyed shirts, made(and ate!) ice cream, nailed together small pieces of wood to make cars, built bird houses and painted flower pots!  He was dirty, sweaty and happy every day when I went to pick him up!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

North Litchfield Beach

We just spent the last week enjoying our summer beach vacation! 

This year we did something different and went to North Litchfield!  We found a very reasonably priced condo and were excited to spend some time together!!

We arrived on Saturday a bit early for check in but just as we were getting there the cleaning lady was walking in so we walked in behind her to check the place out before going out to explore while she did her thing.  And OH MY!!  It smelled like a sewer in our condo!  We immediately went out and started calling around to find another place to go but because it happened to be Mustang Week in Myrtle Beach, there was nothing for under about $500/night!  We decided we would tough it out and try and get the owner to get a plumber to our unit!  Long story short, there was a plumbing issue in the kitchen and eventually, on Tuesday, the smell was finally taken care of!  YUCKO!!

Other than the initial set back of sewer smell, we had a great vacation!  The kids were super excited to be sleeping in bunk beds for the first time - and quite possibly the last!  We spent hours on the beach each day and took dips in the pool as well!  The weather was HOT except for the last day or so when it was overcast and scattered showers but nothing that kept us from getting out!  We ate lots of seafood, went crabbing a couple times, saw some friends that moved down to Pawley's Island and went out on their boat, read books, fed turtles(and alligators), spotted dolphins from the beach and from the O'Neal's boat(we got SO CLOSE to them!!) and came home today tanned and ready for our own beds!!

We are already planning our trip for next year... 






