Saturday, July 11, 2015

Beth Moore!!!

I have done so so so many Beth Moore bible studies and have never been disappointed!  Each time I do one, I always say "She is sooo good!  I love her!"!  And each time, M just rolls his eyes because he's heard me say it no less than 1,000 times!

Well, this weekend I was able to go and listen to her live!  Oh it was amazing and was absolutely perfect!! There were 11,000 people there, probably 99.9% of them women, and I was with my two sweet friends and we soaked every minute of it up!

We were there last night until late and back again early this morning!  She spoke on Divine Gravity and, as always, brought up things I'd never considered before!  I think I could listen to her every day and not get tired of hearing her speak!  In addition to the great job that she did, the guy who travels with her and does the praise music portion of the weekend, Travis Cottrell, had the whole arena on our feet!  He's such an amazing artist!

It was truly a rejuvenating weekend that I needed so very much!!

Praise music Friday night

Beth Friday night

Terrible picture, but now we can prove we were there!:)

Beth Saturday morning

Praise music Saturday morning

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