Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Movies, Books, Dance, Pool and Ice Cream

Ummm... could we have done any more today??

We started the morning by meeting some friends at the dollar movies to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman!  Every single one of us loved the movie and stayed attentive, without too many snacks, through the entire show!

We then had a little while to kill some time so we went to Barnes and Noble and I let the kids read and color and even get one book each to buy!  It was a good way to spend an hour!

Then it was time for S's dance class!  At the end of last year, the AC was stolen from the studio, so they allowed the kids to make up their last 2 classes over the summer at the studio's new facility!  It was so fun to get to go to a new place where there was so much more room for C to roam around!  S was in heaven and so glad to be back dancing!

Afterwards, we went to the Weaver's to pick blueberries, eat ice cream sundaes and play in the pool!

A wonderFULL summer day!

We love Minions - I want to see the new movie when it comes out!

The coloring lasted about 3 minutes before he discovered that
it was more fun to tape a bunch of popsicle sticks together and
pretend they are guns.. sheesh!!

I think S and I could spend an entire day at the book store!

We couldn't find S's ballet shoes so she had to do the entire class
in just her tights - not the best of situations, but she toughed it out!

My only blueberry picking helper:)

"Just stop with the pictures and let us eat!":) Sorry kids, it just
isn't going to happen!

She LOVES to hold Baby Luke!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How was the new dance studio?! I want to hear more about your new camera too! And I adore Stella's polka dot suit :)