Sunday, June 30, 2019

June Randoms

S and I LOVE Panera!

Trying to get some energy out of these kiddos!  And then
he brings his electric scooter... kills me!

Trying to spend some weekends at the pool:)

S was swimmer of the week for our new swim team!

M brought a cart thing home and we went for a ride one night!

He's found a love of strawberry Frappacinos!

Cute movie!

Getting our nails done - and realizing that she wears this shirt
Date Night to White Duck Taco/Birds Fly South Brewery
$1 movie with the boys

Year your coaches came to practice one day

M had the kids working late and hard on cleaning up
bush clippings!

Shoe shopping - I hate it!

I took C and a friend to Frankie's

Homemade ice cream... it was really good!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

C's Family Birthday Party

This afternoon we celebrated C's 9th birthday with his grandparents!  We ate lunch(even were able to sit on the back porch for a bit before it got too hot!), opened presents, had a scavenger hunt set up by the kids and ate too much ice cream!  C felt loved for sure!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Dinner and S'mores at the Campground w/ Gigi

While Gigi was here, we bombarded her campsite end enjoyed tacos in a bag for dinner and s'mores afterwards!  C was our fire man and took care of starting it and keeping it going(M helped a little, but not much!) while S was our decorator and got the table set for dinner!  M thought it was great because the rest of us got our "camping fix" yet we still got to sleep in our own beds;)

Summer Spectacular

This week the kids have been at Summer Spectacular, aka VBS, in the mornings!  The theme this year is Roar: Life is Wild, God is Good!  They both had their good friends in their groups with them and have had fun and crazy times as always!!

These next pictures are from the last day and the photographer there got lots of pictures of both kids!!
S in green on the right

C in red with the blue hat

S on right

C in red

S in green on floor in front of the stage