Saturday, August 28, 2010


Today is our 6th anniversary!!! I just had to do a quick post to say that we are officially getting OLD! We opted to take the kids to my in-laws' house and bring takeout and a movie back to our house instead of going out to a nice dinner and movie! It was WONDERFUL to have a quiet meal and be able to watch a non-cartoon show:) What a difference 6 years has made, but I wouldn't change it for anything - most days!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Potty Training - Again!

Back in March we had our first attempt at potty training. It was awful and everyone was miserable! Since then, C was born and as a way for S to get attention, she started going potty by herself! Until now, though, I have not had the energy (well, honestly, I still don't, but it is something that needs to be done!) to deal with it. Yesterday, though, by herself, she went in to the bathroom and went poopy for the first time and then came and told me about it when she was done. Okay, definitely time to tackle this!! This morning when she woke up, I told her we were going to be wearing big girl panties today. She was very excited as she has been talking about wearing them for the last month or so! Hopefully this is it!!
Well, I started this post a few days ago, so we've been at this potty training thing for 3/4 days now. She has had 3 accidents total and none since Sat morning!!! I think she's got it. I know there will still be accidents along the way, but so far she has done great:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I love his hair:)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Splish Splash!

Cousin Will turned 3 this month and celebrated on Saturday with a pool party! Unfortunately, it was really rainy all afternoon so the party turned into an indoor event. However, it cleared up just as the party was winding down. We had been building up the fact that we were FINALLY going to the pool (it has been 2 months since we've been!!!) so we stayed and S and Daddy were able to get in for a while. S LOVED it as always and wore her daddy out jumping in about a gazillion times! M and I decided that that as much as she loved to be in the pool, that next summer we are going to get her swim lessons - YAY!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quack, Quack!!

One of my friends recently took her daughter to feed some ducks. Good idea, I thought!! So yesterday afternoon we went to a nearby lake. Great fun!! S was infatuated with the ducks(um, Canadian geese) and loved, loved, loved feeding them. I on the other hand do NOT like geese and think they are absolutely disgusting! There were so many of them I was honestly worried about getting attacked by them - I'm dead serious! I was mentally planning how I was going to escape with two kiddos in tote. But, they didn't attack and they did enjoy the bread. Success:)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


A week or so ago C started smiling for the first time (not the "I'm going poop" smile or the "I'm going to sleep now" smile). But a real, genuine smile! LOVE IT!! I was finally able to get a decent picture of it although it still doesn't show how sweet it really is:)

And here is S when she first started smiling. I didn't realize how similar they looked until now!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Today I headed to the zoo with both kids...ahh!! It went really well and I know S was glad to be there and get to see her friends! It is one of her favorite things to do. We had to kinda rush through the end of things since it was starting to sprinkle and I was on the countdown until C woke up and demanded his lunch:) A little stressful for Mommy, but all in all a successful morning!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Roper Mtn Science Center

We headed out to the Roper Mountain Science Center this weekend for one of their monthly specials they do. We were able to see the ways of life in early America, pick fruits and vegetables from an organic garden, see some farm animals. and touch all kinds of rodents(yuck!) and sea creatures! Can't wait to go back again!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Big 3-0!

Today is M's 30th birthday! It's hard to believe we are getting that old!! I made his favorite cake today(the first thing I've cooked since Colton was born - WOW!) and got Outback takeout to have at the house as something at least a little special. S helped him open his present and was quite disappointed that it was not a toy:) Happy birthday to an amazing husband and daddy!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Operation: Get My Body Back

So, C is now one month old and I decided that this week, starting yesterday, I am going to get my body back!! I went to the gym(pure BLISS!!) for the first time yesterday afternoon and was able to get on a scale (haven't done this since C was born). During the pregnancy, I gained 37lbs(Gasp!). I've lost 25 and have 12 to go. Although, I am shooting to lose 15. So, 15 pounds be gone and I am going to set a goal of having this done by Thanksgiving.

Time to lay off the desserts - which I have been having at least once a day and sometimes twice - and get back into action! I am very excited about this and can't wait to get my body back:)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

One Month

C hit the one month mark today! We had planned to make today the first time he made the trip to TFBC with us. We got showered, fed, dressed and pretty much ready to go and then S got sick... oh well, maybe next week.

Here is what C is doing these days:

Likes -
EATING (every TWO hours during the day and every 3-4 hours during the night)
Being swaddled
Being held, especially when Mommy and Daddy are standing and up over our shoulders
Bouncy seat, with vibrator on
Hearing his big sister talk to him
Sneaking peeks at the TV

Dislikes -
Being put down after being held
Sleeping when not in his swaddle
The evening hours

Stats -
12lb11oz (98%tile - I tell ya, this kid can eat!!)
22.5in (79%tile)