Sunday, August 1, 2010

One Month

C hit the one month mark today! We had planned to make today the first time he made the trip to TFBC with us. We got showered, fed, dressed and pretty much ready to go and then S got sick... oh well, maybe next week.

Here is what C is doing these days:

Likes -
EATING (every TWO hours during the day and every 3-4 hours during the night)
Being swaddled
Being held, especially when Mommy and Daddy are standing and up over our shoulders
Bouncy seat, with vibrator on
Hearing his big sister talk to him
Sneaking peeks at the TV

Dislikes -
Being put down after being held
Sleeping when not in his swaddle
The evening hours

Stats -
12lb11oz (98%tile - I tell ya, this kid can eat!!)
22.5in (79%tile)


Double Dees in SC said...

What a chunker!!

Jessica said...

LOVE the seersucker overalls - he's so cute!

Michelle Y said...

Wow - I never thought a bishop child would outweigh a yarbrough child! He is so adorable!