Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quack, Quack!!

One of my friends recently took her daughter to feed some ducks. Good idea, I thought!! So yesterday afternoon we went to a nearby lake. Great fun!! S was infatuated with the ducks(um, Canadian geese) and loved, loved, loved feeding them. I on the other hand do NOT like geese and think they are absolutely disgusting! There were so many of them I was honestly worried about getting attacked by them - I'm dead serious! I was mentally planning how I was going to escape with two kiddos in tote. But, they didn't attack and they did enjoy the bread. Success:)


GiGi said...

your concern was legitimate...

W and Js mommy said...

I was bit by a goose when I was probably Stella's age- They don't stop until thier teeth meet--just FYI--I would have been freaked out

Jessica said...

Yikes, glad no one got hurt. Anabelle loves to chase the geese and I occasionally indulge her, so they never bother us on walks.