Friday, January 31, 2014


This afternoon, I took the kids to see Frozen.

I told them about it yesterday, and they both woke up this morning wanting to just skip school and go straight to the movie theater - ummmm, no!  Then, when I picked them up, they both told me how excited they were to go see the movie:)

Neither of them were disappointed!!  S was a bit more into it than C and I didn't hear a peep out of her the entire movie:)  C enjoyed it as much as I would expect him to enjoy any movie!  He just isn't as into watching TV and sitting still as S is!  That said, he did a great job and I was very proud of both of them!

The movie was great and the experience was a positive one!  We will most definitely go to the movies as it is getting easier and more enjoyable(for me!) to take them:)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blizzard 2014

We have experienced the Blizzard of 2014!!:)

My great plan for Tuesday, since C was in school, was to have lunch with S and then help out in her class for the afternoon.  Well... I had lunch with her, but while we were eating it was announced that they were going to be dismissing early at 12pm.  So, knowing I was going to have to go get C from school as well, S and I finished eating(I finished my coffee... I knew I was going to need it for sure!) and I checked her out.  This was about 11:15, so not too early, she wasn't missing anything except the chaos that was sure to come from all of this!

I picked C up from school, and still no sign of snow, so we went and did was I was planning to do later this afternoon anyway - get new tires.  Oh boy!

We waited and waited and waited some more.  We killed some time at Fuddrucker's with cookie tokens I had saved from previous visits and "playing" video games (but without any money! HA!  how much longer can I get away with that?!?!).  Finally, 1.5 HOURS later, the car was ready with four shiny, new tires!

Still no sign of snow when we got home, but it started not too long afterwards!  The kids were ecstatic - and so was I if I'm being completely honest!  We played outside for as long as we could until our toes and fingers were numb and came inside to re-energize to go at it again!:)

No school for Wednesday!  SNOW DAY!!!!!

At least he is prepared... even if there wasn't much snow at this point!

Snow Angel:)

Miss Sassy

Mr Trouble
Wednesday we were all excited to get up and in the snow!  After a pancake and oatmeal breakfast(Yummo!), we went out and had so much fun!!!!  We hooked the sled up to the lawn mower and did several laps around the house, C wanted to pull the sled with his tractor so he pulled S up and down the street and we visited and played with neighbors!  By lunchtime we were all cold and tired and the snow was melting(M had already gone to work by this time) so we had a little rest time and finished off the day with a trip to the gym and the grocery store(not for bread and milk..ha!).

Lovin' it!

The riding behind the lawn mower was such an awesome

S and Mallory

C and Miley
We got message Wednesday evening that school was cancelled for Thursday as well.... just great!  The roads were dry and ice-free!  I was not nearly as excited about this snow day!  Whatever!  What is one to do?!?!?!

And, today, with perfectly clear roads, was another snow day.... but there is no snow to play in and it is too cold to play outside!!  We made the most of it - got the oil changed in the car(I feel so on the ball with my car this week, oil changed and new tires!  Must be some sort of record!), went to the gym, checked out books and movies from the library!  And, then vegged out with Bednobs and Broomsticks and Fireman Sam because I had to get dinner ready, and I was totally exhausted!

They love breakfast at Toyota!  They each ate 5 doughnuts and
3 cinnamon rolls - bleh!  I couldn't believe they didn't get sick, but lunch
was a bit small for them:)

They both LOVED picking out books this time - usually I pick
out the books while they fight over  play the computers!

This quiet, happiness lasted about 3 minutes before little man
lost interest!  I so wish that they both had more in common - TV shows,
hobbies, books, games, songs, etc.!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, Funday

Mondays are very busy for us!!!

Of course, S has school, but then add to that C having speech, me going to the gym and then S having dance after school, and you have a recipe for quite a day (I do not think it a coincidence that I have had a migraine twice in the past two weeks - both on MONDAY!)!

This afternoon while S was at dance, I needed to get a "few things" at Costco (I found more than a few because I walked out of there $260 poorer!!).  ANYWAYS... C experienced the joy of Costco and the many, many samples they hand out.  He ate his way through our shopping trip:)  We got back with time to spare to get S and I tried to entertain him with a new Curious George book I'd just picked up at Costco.  This lasted about 5 minutes and he was back to wreaking havoc on the dance studio!

S has made so much improvement in her dance since her hard start this past fall!  She is now enjoying dance(both ballet AND tap!) and doing an amazing, amazing job!!!  I am very proud of her and just wish I could actually watch more of her class - but a certain little boy does not allow such freedom HA!

Mmmm.. samples:)

This is that 5 minutes of quiet I referred to:)

Ta-da (S is the one in the center with the pink leotard just in case
it wasn't obvious)!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I wasn't about to miss out on an afternoon that wasn't completely frigid!!!
I put a bunch of glitter, glue, paper and foam sheets out
for the kids to play with!  The girls loved it and made great
crafts, but C was more interested in squeezing glue around
the yard and then on the 22 month old neighbor...oiy!
The kids and I went shopping for granite for the new house and
it was colder in the warehouse than it was outside!!

C dressed himself the other day - jammies and slippers in the
middle of the day!

They love to play dress up!
This morning's greeting!
Best friends watching the trains at Mutt's BBQ:)

S loves Mark too!
We took the training wheels off of the kids bikes and here they were off!!  C has incredible balance and loves to ride his bike, so he is getting it a little faster than S(I think his lower center of gravity helps him too!).  They are both doing amazing though and we will hopefully have many family bike rides in our future!

Check out her outfit of choice:)

Mr. Machanic

Monday, January 20, 2014

Homeward Bound

We made a few stops today on our way home!

First stop was Target, where the kids got some fun new clothes. Next was the dance store, where S was in heaven and C was bored out of his head:)

Once we got back in town, S went to dance(in her new leotard and tutu from Gigi)while C and I made our way to the park!

Finally, we made it back to HOME SWEET HOME!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014


S had a long, 4-day weekend off of school, so we took the free time and went to visit Gigi and Grandpa!!

We were all so excited to see them:)  The kids were spoiled rotten while we were there, and I was able to visit with friends and cousins I hadn't seen in a while, ate TWO meals without kids and just overall enjoyed ourselves!

S and Gigi

I got to see my friend and neighbor and her sweet baby girl!

We went to the mall to meet Kim and her girls and killed
some time at Brookstone!

I think he would have ridden all day if I'd let him!

S and Reagan Kate had a ball taking care of Charis all afternoon!

S, Reagan Kate and Madison holding hands through the mall!

Crazy cousins!

S and Cousin Jack

Dress up time:)

On a walk with Gigi and Grandpa

Ballerina pose

The model and train conductor

The kids LOVE my brother's girlfriend!
She taught them some magic tricks!

Me, Uncle Bobby, Jennifer
More dress up!
Grandpa's little princess:)