Friday, January 3, 2014

Kicking Off 2014

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to the start of 2014 and also C's 3.5 birthday:)

We measured him this morning and found that he had grown 1.5 inches in the past 6 months - wow!!  We had some friends over for dinner and he requested that we sing "Happy Half-Birthday" to him while we enjoyed cupcakes to celebrate!!

That afternoon I took S ice skating downtown and we met up with Amanda and Darcy!  It was pretty hysterical watching the 4 of us try to skate!  The ankles of the skates were incredibly loose so it was very hard to balance.  What a sight!!  But oh what fun it was!  We lasted about 1.5 hours and then I think all of us were pretty much done!  It was a great way to ring in the new year!

39.5 inches tall

M took the pedals off of C's bike making it a balance bike!  Genious!
This kid is going to be riding without training wheels before summer, just watch!
He has incredible balance!!!

Pre-skating energy!

This morning C had gymnastics and while he was there, I took the opportunity to go down to the second-hand store and purchase the kids' fall/winter 2014 wardrobe for half price! I got a TON of stuff!!!

After gymnastics, we went over to PlayNation with the Bramhalls and let the kids wear.themselves.out!!  It worked!! HAHA!

Not snow angels, but "mulch angels"!

At the gym, S's best friend there, her mom is an instructor and teaches
a kids gymnastics/aerobics class and since S and Riley are "BFFs"(and
are planning sleepovers and play dates), S got to participate too!  She
had a ball!  Here she is doing lunges.


Ring around the Rosie with Woody and Jessie:)

We met Melissa and Mark for lunch at Chick Fil A!  These
boys love each other!!

A surprise visit from the Cow!!

She is always up for CFA!!!

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