Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baby It's Cold

It was C.O.L.D today!!!!

School was put on a 3 hour delay with the temps being the lowest they've been in decades - I think the low at our house was 5* or so setting a new record for the day in over like one hundred years or something crazy like that!

Yesterday afternoon, I took the kids to the library to stock up on movies and books to have on hand this morning for some I've-been-in-the-house-too-long-and-it's-too-cold-to-go-anywhere entertainment:)

Picnic time

After we dropped S at school, C got a much needed haircut - he refused
to wear his coat despite the temperatures!

The kids LOVE pushing these little buggies at Earth Fare!

I went to consign some clothes at a second-hand store and
this is how the kids entertained themselves - in addition to
literally climbing the walls in and out of the play area! Oiy!!

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