Sunday, January 31, 2010

Iced In

We were iced in for the better part of today, so we had to get creative to keep S entertained without sticking her in front of the TV all day! Don't get me wrong, we did see quite a few cartoons, but we also came up with some other stuff too!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow....well, Ice!

Well, we didn't get the 3-6" that was predicted, but we did get a nice layer of ice:( Oh well!! We were able to go over and take a ride on the ATV which was pretty fun in the snow/ice. Other than that, no snowmen or snow angels for us!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Lunch Date

S and I are typically together for lunch, but many times just eat at the house or somewhere fast like the Chick. Today, however, we had a special lunch date at my favorite lunch spot, Brick Street Cafe!! Although S enjoyed the crackers more than the love muffin (which didn't bother me at all, because that meant more for me!!) she had a good time being a big girl. This week she has started sitting in a "big girl chair" all by herself when we go out to eat. Usually, we always have a highchair for her unless we are sitting in a booth. But, she started asking to sit like a big girl and we are working on her being more self-sufficient so I thought we'd give it a try (with threats that she could NOT get down). She's done very, very well and I am so proud of my sweet little, big girl. It is fun to be able to go places and have a mini-me with me!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


S likes to get her daddy to do push-ups and then ride on his back! After she has had a turn, she announces that it is time for all of her stuffed animals and dolls to take a turn! This video is a bit posed b/c I told them to wait until I got the camera to start, but you get the idea:)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quotable Quotes

In the last few weeks, S has said some things that have just cracked me up!!

Here are the ones I can remember:
  • From the backseat as she is talking on her phone and I'm trying to talk to her - "Shhh, Mommy, I'm talking on the phone!"

  • As I am drinking from my bottle of water - "Be careful, hold it down." I always am having to tell her to hold her sippy cups down that have straws in them.

  • Talking to her bears - "No, no, no... understand... say 'yes ma'am'!"

  • While I'm trying to get her to eat her dinner - "I'm too tired."

  • Counting - "1,3,4,7" and this is how she does it EVERY time which drives us nuts b/c she does know how to count but is messing with us.

  • As I am trying to go to the restroom and of course she always comes with me - She grabs my hands and says "Hold on. Don't fall!" HA!!!!

Oh, the drama of a two-year-old. I LOVE it!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Little Princess

I guess I tell her that she is my little princess a lot because she has started going around telling everyone else that she is a princess:)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Day at the Park

FINALLY!!!! It was so good to get back to the park! Although, I think we'd been away so long that S had kinda forgotten what to do. She was very clingy and unsure of things when we first arrived. It didn't take long, though, before she was off and running (it probably helped that her friend TB came along!). We went on Friday afternoon and no less than half of the town was there. It was obvious that everyone had been couped out way too long!

I am glad I had my camera since I have been somewhat slack with taking pictures, but at the same time it is a hassle having to maneuver the slides and what-not with a camera in your back pocket. At least I didn't break it:)

Hopefully next week we'll be able to get out some more and go again! We both had a good time and enjoyed getting some outside exercise!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Warm Days

Today was the first "warm" day we've had in a while coming in at 52 degrees when I checked the weather channel. And, since S and I were both going a bit crazy being couped up in the house all day, I sent her out to play in her sand box. Now, I don't really think 52 is warm, but it isn't cold either. I wasn't exactly sure how to dress her so I put her in, well, whatever! Poor kid!! But, I doubt she got too cold:)

Tomorrow's high is 62!!! Playground, here we come(probably without sporting the hat):)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Family Reunion 2010

Just after New Years every year we head down to Lone Star, SC (a.k.a. middle of nowhere) for M's family reunion. This past Saturday we trekked the 2.5 hours down, stayed 3 hours, and then made our way back again. LONG DAY!!!
It was so cold this year that we weren't able to get outside and play at all so we were all stuck in a small little cabin. Luckily, some of the older kids took off to a house up the street and M and Mr. Bill was so sweet to take S for a ride in the truck to see the cows and ducks - she was in heaven!! When she wasn't riding around looking at all the animals, she was standing at the window watching the cows. Finally Mrs. Lara took pity on her and took her outside to check them out up close and personal. S's response when she got close to them was that they were dirty:) And, one of the best parts, with all this extra help Mommy was actually able to have a real conversation for once:)
We had a great time catching up and eating yummy food!! By the time we got home we were glad to be back and are looking forward to staying in town for the first time in a while next weekend!!!