Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quotable Quotes

In the last few weeks, S has said some things that have just cracked me up!!

Here are the ones I can remember:
  • From the backseat as she is talking on her phone and I'm trying to talk to her - "Shhh, Mommy, I'm talking on the phone!"

  • As I am drinking from my bottle of water - "Be careful, hold it down." I always am having to tell her to hold her sippy cups down that have straws in them.

  • Talking to her bears - "No, no, no... understand... say 'yes ma'am'!"

  • While I'm trying to get her to eat her dinner - "I'm too tired."

  • Counting - "1,3,4,7" and this is how she does it EVERY time which drives us nuts b/c she does know how to count but is messing with us.

  • As I am trying to go to the restroom and of course she always comes with me - She grabs my hands and says "Hold on. Don't fall!" HA!!!!

Oh, the drama of a two-year-old. I LOVE it!!


Jessica said...

Haaaa! The potty one really makes me laugh. Precious!

Anonymous said...

I love the "yes ma'am" one.

Amanda said...

I love the "yes ma'am" one too! Perhaps she'd like to come teach my little one what no means (because my chick is pretending she doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about when I say it).

W and Js mommy said...

I love how they like to talk EXTRA loud in public restrooms! fun memories