Thursday, September 30, 2010


So, I turn 30 today...gulp!! But, I haven't even had time to hardly catch my breath over the last few months so it is not something I have dwelled on and dreaded. I didn't want anything done for my birthday really - I am starting to want to forget my birthday now!

However, I did have many birthday blessings today:

  • I have 2 healthy, happy kids(except for some whining) and a wonderful husband!

  • C slept awesome last night after two nights of being up quite a bit.

  • S said "Happy Birthday, Mommy" at breakfast this morning, unsolicited.

  • My sweet, sweet friend kept S for me in the morning for a couple hours - bless her heart!:)

  • My MIL came over during naptime and kept the kids while I went to the gym(Yesterday I had to nurse at the gym and S had an accident that I had to attend to so having time at the gym to myself w/o having to worry about those kind of things is great!) and ran some errands.

  • S had a good follow-up report from the ENT.

  • I didn't have to cook dinner b/c we went out for PIZZA!!

All in all, a good 30th birthday!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Princess Party

We had S's first princess party today! The birthday girl's parents did an AWESOME job!! We played princess games, ate amazing food and a ballerina even came and danced for the kids:)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday on the Farm

Today we went to Friday on the Farm at Roper Mountain Science Center. What a blast!! Each week they have a different theme for preschool age kids. This week was ABCs. The kids had "class" in an old schoolhouse, played games at recess(although S was more interested in her lunch than playing games - she has been STARVING now that we have her GI system working again!), did a craft, had storytime, checked on the garden, and petted a baby bunny that had been found in the garden earlier this morning (a good thing for the kids to get to see, but not so good for the poor garden). All of this was done in an hour which was fabulous for the attention spans of little ones. We also ventured to the pond and spotted lots of turtles before class started. What a fun morning! S was very entertained and C slept - what more could a mommy ask for:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Up, Up, Up...

Today was a day of "highs"! We spent the morning at the park swinging on swings(and sitting under the shelter with a sleeping/nursing baby) and the afternoon flying kites in the front yard. It was a great day! I figured we needed lots of highs today because I fear that tomorrow and the next few days are going to have more lows than highs due to S's tonsils coming out.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School

I don't know who was more excited, me or S - I think I may have actually skipped out to my car:) This is S's last year of PDO(parent's day out) and next year she will be going into the k3 program. We are looking forward to a good year with Ms. Tracey and Ms. Anita. However, they do not require the kids to take naps this year, just rest - Yikes!! When I picked her up this afternoon, I asked if S had by some miracle fallen asleep. Ms. Tracey's response: "Oh no, but she did do a few flips!" Oh boy!:/ Her poor teachers!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We had a pretty low-key weekend! It was nice to have three full days:) Here are some of our highlights:

Friday - Grandpa stopped by for a few hours on his way through town and it was great to have him here. It allowed me to get a quiet shower(no screaming kids or kids opening the shower curtain asking what I was doing) and he treated us to lunch as well!

Saturday - Dacusville Farm Days:) S had so much fun last year at this tractor show and loved it just as much this year! C didn't sleep quite as much as I would have liked, but he did really well for being awake as much as he was. I think he will grow to love Farm Days too!

Sunday - Grandmamma's birthday:) S and I made cookies after dinner. M took the kids over to deliver them and wish her "happy birthday"!

Monday - A great night sleep by both kids! Ahhh:) We headed to the park first thing and then spent the afternoon doing pretty much nothing! Just some good family time:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2 Months

C is two months today!

For the most part he is pretty predictable. Just keep him fed and napped and he is a mostly happy baby.

We have had issues with reflux, but he is now taking Zantac three times a day and I mix probiotics in with a bottle of expressed milk in the morning and a bottle of formula at night. This combination has really seemed to help him a lot!

He started smiling this month and you can usually get some good ones out of him during the hour after he has eaten - then he starts getting tired and ready for a nap. He's also had his first cold for the last week and a half! Uggg... of all things for his sister to share!!

C sleeps pretty good at night now. At around 7/8 weeks he "slept through the night" for the first time:) He is not exactly consistent, but usually he sleeps about 7-8 hours (although there are the times when he wakes up after 5 hours and other times he goes 9 hours). We just never know at this point. We feed him his last meal at 8pm and he gets up for good after one feeding during the night at 7/8am. I think he would actually sleep longer if S was not up running around!:)

He eats 6-7 times each day. He naps really good in the morning for about 2 hours and then typically 2-3 smaller naps in the afternoon - he needs to go back to sleep about an hour after he wakes up and has eaten. He definitely requires more sleep than his sister did!

Overall, C is a happy boy and is growing, growing, growing right before our eyes!!

Two month stats:
Weight 15lb(97%tile)
Length 24.5in(90%tile)