Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday on the Farm

Today we went to Friday on the Farm at Roper Mountain Science Center. What a blast!! Each week they have a different theme for preschool age kids. This week was ABCs. The kids had "class" in an old schoolhouse, played games at recess(although S was more interested in her lunch than playing games - she has been STARVING now that we have her GI system working again!), did a craft, had storytime, checked on the garden, and petted a baby bunny that had been found in the garden earlier this morning (a good thing for the kids to get to see, but not so good for the poor garden). All of this was done in an hour which was fabulous for the attention spans of little ones. We also ventured to the pond and spotted lots of turtles before class started. What a fun morning! S was very entertained and C slept - what more could a mommy ask for:)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

She is so cute sitting in class! What a fun activity. So glad she's back to good!