Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We had a pretty low-key weekend! It was nice to have three full days:) Here are some of our highlights:

Friday - Grandpa stopped by for a few hours on his way through town and it was great to have him here. It allowed me to get a quiet shower(no screaming kids or kids opening the shower curtain asking what I was doing) and he treated us to lunch as well!

Saturday - Dacusville Farm Days:) S had so much fun last year at this tractor show and loved it just as much this year! C didn't sleep quite as much as I would have liked, but he did really well for being awake as much as he was. I think he will grow to love Farm Days too!

Sunday - Grandmamma's birthday:) S and I made cookies after dinner. M took the kids over to deliver them and wish her "happy birthday"!

Monday - A great night sleep by both kids! Ahhh:) We headed to the park first thing and then spent the afternoon doing pretty much nothing! Just some good family time:)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures...looks like a busy time around your place...

Kate said...

What a great weekend!! And by the way missy you look fantastic! :)