Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2 Months

C is two months today!

For the most part he is pretty predictable. Just keep him fed and napped and he is a mostly happy baby.

We have had issues with reflux, but he is now taking Zantac three times a day and I mix probiotics in with a bottle of expressed milk in the morning and a bottle of formula at night. This combination has really seemed to help him a lot!

He started smiling this month and you can usually get some good ones out of him during the hour after he has eaten - then he starts getting tired and ready for a nap. He's also had his first cold for the last week and a half! Uggg... of all things for his sister to share!!

C sleeps pretty good at night now. At around 7/8 weeks he "slept through the night" for the first time:) He is not exactly consistent, but usually he sleeps about 7-8 hours (although there are the times when he wakes up after 5 hours and other times he goes 9 hours). We just never know at this point. We feed him his last meal at 8pm and he gets up for good after one feeding during the night at 7/8am. I think he would actually sleep longer if S was not up running around!:)

He eats 6-7 times each day. He naps really good in the morning for about 2 hours and then typically 2-3 smaller naps in the afternoon - he needs to go back to sleep about an hour after he wakes up and has eaten. He definitely requires more sleep than his sister did!

Overall, C is a happy boy and is growing, growing, growing right before our eyes!!

Two month stats:
Weight 15lb(97%tile)
Length 24.5in(90%tile)


Michelle Y said...

Seriously! ok, now i'm jealous! matthew still eats every 3 hours - or less! i am happy for you!

Double Dees in SC said...

Love the way he's looking at S in that last picture - somewhat of a terrified 'please don't hurt me' look. :)

Amanda said...

I love how chill and relaxed he looks in that first pic! Such a good second child and handsome fella :)