Monday, August 31, 2020

August Photos

Double Rainbow!

We closed on our new house

For some reason the line for the bank went on forever!

Early morning score at Target!

C and I went on a walk through the new 'hood;)

When Gigi was here she helped S get her sewing machine
working and she's been sewing book covers and making
buffs smaller since!

There isn't kids programming yet at church, so they sit in
service with us.  This Sunday S was sitting with a friend so
it was just C with us!

Our house warming gift from our lender!
Back to sitting in car line - but much better than what I'm use to at the public

We are getting hardwoods put in the bedrooms at our new
house and the wood is currently acclimating:)

Back to the gym after 5 months off!  Pretty easy to 
social distance here! LOL!

The libraries are finally back open!  I hit one up on re-opening
day while C was at his guitar lesson!

Homemade applesauce in the crockpot with the apples we
picked at Sky Top!
Tightening up the chairs - using his skateboard to help him out!

This dove was watching as I cleaned the windows!

C threw his socks up and they somehow got stuck
up there!


We had to get a new dryer - we wanted to wait until
we moved, but couldn't make it!

Gigi visited at the campground and of course
we went by for s'mores!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Red Horse Inn - Take 2

 And because I didn't get enough amazingness last night, Mom and I went back to Red Horse Inn tonight to hear some more music and drink some more beverages!  It just doesn't get much better than this place!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

16th Anniversary - Red Horse Inn

I have been wanting to get to the Red Horse Inn for quite a while, and we finally made it happen!  We went up after dinner one night to listen to some live music and have a few drinks!  Watching the sun set over the mountains as the band played and the horses grazed next to us was the most relaxing evening we've had in a VERY long time!!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wakeboarding All Day

We made it up to the lake today!  The kids both got a LOT of wakeboarding time in!  We visited the Mays and swam at their new dock.  The girls stayed at the dock while all the boys loaded up and went surfing and C and Davis got to do some more wakeboarding!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Apple Picking at Sky Top

The kids only had half days of school yesterday and today, so we took this afternoon and went up to Sky Top to get some Gala and Honey Crisp apples!  It was 10 degrees cooler(mid-70s) up there and felt wonderful!  First thing we did was eat doughnuts of course!  Then the kids played on the playground before we went into the orchard for our apples!  It didn't take long at all to pick a basket full and then we got a chance to check in on the animals before leaving!

Monday, August 17, 2020

First Day of School

Today the kids started their first day at a new school!  They are both MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!  What!?!?  It's kinda nice that I didn't have to think or worry about what middle school would be like for C, it just happened!  I think it's better for him that way too because he has watched too many Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies and was concerned about swirlies in middle school.  LOL!  

They are both able to pick an elective.  Because we registered so late, they only a couple that were still open to choose from.  S is taking a fitness class and C is taking a computer science class.  PE is not considered an elective and they will both have it twice a week.  Also, they get recess every day instead of the one day a week that S got last year at her middle school.  S also gets to take a language class that consists of Latin for a semester, sign language for a quarter and Spanish for a quarter - so neat to be at least exposed to foreign languages!  Twice a week 5th graders get a math enrichment class to give them extra time to learn new content and expand on what they learn in their regular classes.  And, they get Bible classes daily with Chapel once a week!

7th and 5th grade here they come!

Keeping with tradition, here are their favorites:

TV Show - Hannah Montana
Friend - Halle and Anna G.
Candy - Kit Kat
Color - Blue
Book - Tangled in Time
Things to do - dance and read(I'm going to add crafting!)
What she wants to do when she grows up - foster animals

TV Show - Big City Greens
Friend - Gavin
Candy - Hershey's
Color - Blue
Book - Big Nate
Things to do - play and watch TV
What he wants to do when he grows up - work for Daddy


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Gigi Visits

We were suppose to go camping at Davidson River this weekend, but the weather was not cooperative and we didn't want to get rained on the whole time, so we opted to cancel that trip and Gigi came to visit us here instead!  We visited the new house, showed her the kids' new school, ate acai bowls, they kids stole her phone and they had dance parties!  A pretty fun 24 hours!!