Friday, March 31, 2017

Egg Dying

We went through 2 egg-dying kids and 18 eggs(2 suffered casualties!).  We had the classic dye kit and then also a tie-dye kit, but it didn't work too great!  The kids had fun, and soon enough they were done and trying to dunk their hands in the dye cups and make an all around mess - time to clean up and move on to something else!!

Gigi visited us this afternoon too!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Soccer Game and Family Time in Travelers Rest

C had a soccer game this morning and rocked it!!!  The team played great and so did he!  He is playing mid-field pretty consistently so he gets the best of both offense and defense!  If we can just get him to stay on his feet after a kick, we'll be in business! 

After soccer, we headed to Travelers Rest, ate an amazingly delicious lunch at Tandem Creperie, and then rode almost 8 miles on the Swamp Rabbit Trail and around Furman!  We were all exhausted by tonight, but it was a very fun time with our family!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Upcountry History Museum - Dr. Seuss

We met the Sinclairs for our monthly get together at the Upcountry History Museum to check out the Dr. Seuss exhibit.  Usually all the kids LOVE going here, but this time the kids' exhibit was ART for Dr. Seuss, not so many hands on activities.  They survived for a while, then we toured the museum and checked out all the regular exhibits and then took the kids outside to run around the courtyard and play on the rocks to burn off some energy that's just not appropriate to let out in a museum... lol!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dance and Karate Classes in Action

This week was observation week at dance!  Usually the girls are dropped off and then later picked up.  S goes twice a week right now and each class is 1.5hours!  Whew!  That is a lot of dancing!!  

It worked out best for us to go today and then we were able to go see C and M in action at karate as well!  They go twice a week too and each class is about an hour!  It's a very good workout for sure!

Both kids(and M!) are doing amazing and have learned so much and become stronger and stronger in their activities!  It's quite impressive and it's nice to get to watch them occasionally as well!

All was well until he saw me videoing... get use to it kiddo!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


C made himself comfortable at the end of the driveway
watching the across the street!  LOL!  Him and S use to do this
at our old house too when they were building across from that house!

After reading their book, I am double addicted to watching
Fixer Upper!

Just a typical trip to Lowes!

S and I went for a walk through the neighborhood one day and
she decided to bounce the basketball the entire way!

S's teacher has set up alternative seating in the classroom!  S is in the pink plaid
shirt with her back to the camera!

S and her BFF Kiersten!

Another rainy soccer practice!

Field trip with my boy to Furman to see Seussical the Musical!

S was inside with having her piano lesson and C was in his
own little world with a stick and a light saber!:)
S wrote this note for me when I had the flu!  Sweet girl!
Trying to steam out the congestion!  It was a terrible several

Surprise!  I light snow came through one night!

Poor C... he's always getting in trouble, even when another
kid pinches him!  The pitiful picture cracks me up!

I will be quiet all day and I will instruct(I think he meant not
interrupt!) the teacher.  Bode pinched me but I still got in
trouble with Bode and JJ.  I had to go to the nurse.  I had to pull my
C had a noon soccer game and the kids were hungry by the time it was over!  The
YMCA was smart and were selling hot dog plates!  These two were thrilled!!

I took the kids to see Beauty and the Beast at the theater!  We
all liked it!

Don't know why this is sideways!  Ugh!!  These are the
pictures they were taking at the karate graduation a few
weeks ago!

Now that they are orange belts, C and M can start sparring!  Look out!!

They even get numchucks and swords!!

The joys of waiting for your sister to finish her piano lesson!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Oh Hail!!

Today was got the worst hail storm I have ever seen in my entire life!!  I was at soccer with C, and M was on his way to pick S up from dance when it started coming down!  C and I rushed home and made it before it started to get too bad - plus, at our house, it wasn't nearly as large as where S's dance class is!  M and S drove home in the worst of it, with the hail busting out the lights on top of the truck and water leaking into it!  This went on for over an hour!!!!!  It was so crazy!

This was about an hour before the hail started!  88* and a
lovely day!

The view from M's truck!

It looked like snow!!

The hail at our house wasn't quite as large as other parts of town!
But it did come down for over an hour!!!!  This was taken at the
beginning of the storm, soon the yard was totally white!

Monday, March 20, 2017

1st Day of Spring

Today was a beautiful day for the first day of spring!  It just screamed for us to go to the park!:)  Afterwards, I dropped S off at a cooking class and C and I headed to help with the school's spirit night at Chick-fil-A!  A good time was had by all:)

When you get older, you can't just play on the equipment
like it is intended to be played on- you have to be crazy!!

Mmmm... cooking class goodies:)

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day

All of us headed out to school this morning dressed in green so as not to get pinched!

On the way to school, I warned C that we don't really pinch people who don't wear green.  You wouldn't think I would have to warn about these things, but I do.  But, nevertheless, he pinched two kids not wearing green(not hard!)!  I just can't win!!  Buhahahaha!!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

3rd Grade Charleston Trip

S went with the third graders to Charleston for her first overnight field trip!  This is a trip that I was suppose to go on, but again, because of the flu, I couldn't go!  So, I let my baby go by herself... gulp!  On the agenda was a walking tour of historic Charleston, the Market, aquarium, USS Yorktown, Fort Sumter and Magnolia Plantation.  It was a FULL schedule and a very cold couple of days.  But, they had a great time and I think she grew up a little bit more while she was gone:)

One very excited and ready to go girl!

Keirsten and S with Mrs. Spearman.  She took my spot on the trip and could
not have been a better fit for a chaperone for S!  She was wonderful!!

Loading the buses!

First stop was a walking tour of Charleston!

Look!  The azaleas were in full bloom!

Next up, the Aquarium!

These were the bunks on the USS Yorktown where
they slept!  This was the part of the trip I was NOT
looking forward to when I was suppose to go!

The second day they took a boat over to Fort

I think her favorite part of the fort were the

A windblown little girl on the boat back from Fort Sumter!