Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February's Randoms

And we are officially done with my two least favorite months of the year!  YAY!!
S teaching her dance students...LOL!!

He dressed up in his homemade armor!

A nice, relaxing evening watching the Olympics!
Oh such lovely weather for reading before dance class!
With the door open:)

C had a playdate at the house with his friend, Nate!

A good day for a very long run in the park!

Gigi came to visit and we went up to North Greenville University for ice
cream, checkers and then to the park!

For some reason the kids have been on a chalk kit lately!
I'll take it!
The kids and I went to see Alice in Wonderland performed by
the Greer Children's Theater.  They always do such a great job!
We knew several kids in the show this year - including S's friend,
Layla.  This is the only picture I was allowed to take that afternoon:)

I finally made it up to Hendersonville to check out this
store I've been hearing about!  Such cute things!!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Bridge Event

The 4th grade Challenge students in Greenville County compete in a bridge competition each year.  Each bridge has certain requirements and can only be made of Popsicle sticks and glue.  S and her group have been working on their bridge the better part of the year and we so excited and super nervous about this morning's event!  There were TONS of kids there(many we knew from other schools!) and lots of bridges to be tested.  The idea was to see how much weight(measured with sand) each bridge could withstand before breaking!  The bridges that made it to 100 lbs were the "winners" and then prizes were given out for most original, best architecture design, best structural design and best craftsmanship.  S's group's bridge was cute - but wasn't super sturdy only getting to about 16lbs! But, she had fun!!  We celebrated with Krispie Kreme afterwards:)

S's group - S, Ava, Halle and Olivia

This is the bridge after the competition - at least it wasn't broken into
smithereens like some of the others were!:)


Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day Weekend

Gavin's, limo, Anna sleepover, colton rolled ice cream, soccer practice starts

The long weekend started with both kids having fun activities after school on Thursday! C went home with his friend Gavin and S went to a birthday party that included a limo picking the girls up from school and taking them for fro-yo!  It was a good day all around for both of them!

On Saturday night, S had a sleepover at her friend's house after C's last basketball game!  She had a ball but we paid for it on Sunday, as usual!

Today, S went to work with M and C went to a camp at The Children's Theater while I worked(S was too old for this camp and the plans that I had made for her fell through.. but she had fun with M!).  After I picked C up from camp we went for some rolled ice cream and then headed to his first soccer practice of the season.  From the looks of the team, it is a very young team and it might be a long season!  Lol!
Oh he did have a good time! 

And so did she!!

Sleepover shenanigans!

This thing was no joke!

I ate the Oreo, but he ate the entire thing other than that!

Go Electric Sharks!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Last Basketball Game

Today was C's last basketball game of the year!  I think they played 8 games and lost only 1!  Pretty good season!  Next year we will be moving up to 3rd-5th grade - that should be interesting!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day

This morning the kids woke up to goodies and chicken biscuits(these were intended to be heart-shaped biscuits, but the Chick-fil-A I went to yesterday didn't have them?!?!)!  They were excited to say the least!

They both had parties at school but I was not able to go because I had to work.  Boo!  Luckily, one of my friends was in C's class and got a cute picture of him for me:)

When M came home this evening, he brought flowers for the girls in the house!  It was a great day filled with lots of love... and everyday-ness too;)

They both got books, chocolates and Squishies!

C, Gavin and Austin

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Basketball Game

This afternoon was C's second to last basketball game!  It was a nail biter to the end, but we pulled out a 'W' 13-12!  C scored a goal, played aggressive defense and had some great passes in there too!

I got some video for the first time this season:

STEMFest at Roper Mountain

Today we went to our first Second Saturday program at RMSC in quite a while!  Even M joined us!  It was all about robotics and building and the kids thought it was great fun!  When asked what their favorite part was, neither could answer because everything, like I always say, is so well done!

This kids drove and coded robots, built bridges and buildings and boats, made structures that withstood a wrecking ball and smasher, drew with scribble bots, constructed hologram viewers, watched a local high school robotics team demonstrate their robots, we checked out the observatory and telescopes and learned about acids and bases.  I'm sure I'm missing even more stuff, but it was a fun/learning-filled time at our beloved Roper Mountain!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Father/Daughter Dance

Tonight M and S had their annual Father Daughter Dance!  It's really hard to believe that next year will be their last one!  Sniff!!!!  S has been so very excited and talked about it nonstop for the past couple of weeks!  She got a new dress, of course, donned her make up and did her own hair without accepting any help from me! Daddy brought her flowers:)  I was helping to work the dance, so it actually turned out to be a family affair - LOL! I sold tickets and managed the door and C sold pizza!  S and M danced and ate the night away!!!