Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day Weekend

Gavin's, limo, Anna sleepover, colton rolled ice cream, soccer practice starts

The long weekend started with both kids having fun activities after school on Thursday! C went home with his friend Gavin and S went to a birthday party that included a limo picking the girls up from school and taking them for fro-yo!  It was a good day all around for both of them!

On Saturday night, S had a sleepover at her friend's house after C's last basketball game!  She had a ball but we paid for it on Sunday, as usual!

Today, S went to work with M and C went to a camp at The Children's Theater while I worked(S was too old for this camp and the plans that I had made for her fell through.. but she had fun with M!).  After I picked C up from camp we went for some rolled ice cream and then headed to his first soccer practice of the season.  From the looks of the team, it is a very young team and it might be a long season!  Lol!
Oh he did have a good time! 

And so did she!!

Sleepover shenanigans!

This thing was no joke!

I ate the Oreo, but he ate the entire thing other than that!

Go Electric Sharks!

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