Monday, December 31, 2007

Tractor Days!

If you know our history, you'd know that Michael and I had an EXTREMELY embarrassing incident involving a tractor when we first started dating. Actually, it was really just embarrassing for me! I was still in college and Michael had graduated. He convinced this city girl, somehow (must have been love), to go to a tractor show with him and take one of the ones that he had restored with us. Who knew there were such things as tractor shows?!?! Anyway, I agreed. Well, during the day, we were going to lunch and we had driven his truck and pulled the tractor on a trailer. Michael refused to take the truck so we took the tractor! We had to go quite a ways because as you can imagine, there were not any restaurants near this field of tractors! We drove, going probably 2mph, to downtown Pendleton. Oh, before I forget, on the way we ran out of gas and had to stop at a gas station. Now, usually, we'd pay at the pump. But not in Pendleton. You must go into the gas station. And, girls, when your husbands go in if you are like me, you wait in the car. Okay, so I waited on the tractor. Of course the site of a girl sitting on a tractor at a gas station attracts a bit of attention. Me and the tractor drew many looks. And, being that I was fully exposed on this thing, there was nothing to busy myself with or anywhere to avert my eyes, so I just smile. OH GOSH!!!!! I was mortified. But, wait, it gets better!! So after we have fueled up, we continue on our way to get lunch. FINALLY, we make our way to the downtown square of Pendleton and parallel park the tractor in front of the little deli where we are planning to eat! Good grief - who parallel parks a tractor! We go in, and who is sitting there watching out the window laughing at us but a table of my sorority sisters!

I don't think I'll ever forget this day!

We thought we'd pay tribute to that day and have a family photo taken on our tractor!

Saturday, December 29, 2007


So, we finally got a computer (YAY!!!!) and will get internet next week (YAY, again!!!!). I am a bit behind in my blogging, so I'll just do the month of December in pictures.

Here goes:

Stella wearing an outfit from when I was a baby.

Stella sleeping without a care in the world.

Stella in her different Christmas outfits.

Stella meets Santa.

Grandpa visiting.

Stylin' Stella!

The family on Christmas Eve.

Stella Christmas morning.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


This year, our Thanksgiving was a bit different! Typically, we travel to the coast of NC to visit with my family. However, because Stella was so young, we were not comfortable travelling that far. So, we spent the holiday with Michael's family. We had a great time and great food! Stella did SO well with all the pictures and people. I was pleasantly surprised!!

All the cousins!

The Bishops.

The whole clan (and what a clan they are!!).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Picky Eater

No, not my baby. My DOG!!!!!!!!!!! It is so crazy, but if we buy her the off brand dog foods, she won't eat it! She insists on the expensive kind. If we do get her the off brand stuff, she will go without for days until I feel so sorry for her that I go get her another bag. Can you say spoiled rotten?!?!?!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bath Time

After a VERY trying day, nothing beats a nice warm bath! Too bad mommy didn't get one too:)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Walking Date

This past week we had some beautiful weather!!!!!!!!!!!! Stella and I were lucky enough to be able to meet up with our friends for a walk one afternoon. It was much needed by both mommies!

Stella and Grady

A Week of Firsts

I wouldn't necessarily call these milestones, but I still am trying to take notice of all of the ways that Stella is growing and changing.

1. Introduced a pacifier
2. Gave her a bottle for the first time
3. Took her to a restaurant - good thing it was not a quiet restaurant or we may have been asked to leave:)
4. Attended Sunday School as a family
5. Moved up to size 1 diapers
6. Mommy got to go to the gym - gosh, it felt soooooo good to be back there!!!!!!!!!!
7. Stella started smiling - and not just when she is leaving a surprise for me to find later...hehe

Friday, November 9, 2007

Growing Like a Weed

Stella had her one month appt yesterday - wow! Sometimes it seems like the time is flying and other times (like 2am when she is screaming) it seems like it is creeping by:) At her appt, she weighed a whopping 8lb 15oz. She is gaining about a pound a week which is a LOT. What can I say, our family likes to eat! She is finally starting to be awake more often. And, now that her umbilical cord has fallen off, she got her first real bath - no more sponge baths! Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture of that since I was scared to death to take my hands off her to take it! It was really cute though.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

First Halloween

It wouldn't be Halloween with a baby without a trip to the pumpkin patch!

Stella's First Couple of Weeks

We are now adjusting to life with a baby and little (very little) sleep. Everyday we can see changes in how Stella is growing. It is amazing! Mom and Dad are totally in love (even in the middle of the night with the screaming...haha)! We are learning how to take care of God's precious little girl and are so blessed to be doing so!

Stella's trip home from the hospital - us trying to figure out the carseat was quite a sight!!

A sleeping princess:)Wide-eyed and bushy-tailed!

Stella and Mom

Stella and Dad

Our Daughter is Here!!

Although this is a bit late to post, it MUST BE DONE!!!! We welcomed Stella Paige into the world on October 8, 2007 at 11am. She weighed in at 6.7lbs and was 19.5 inches long! We are so happy to have her here!A VERY TIRED mom and dad!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Being Evicted!

So, as most of you know, the eviction process has begun! Guadeloupe's presence is being requested on this side of the womb:)

Today is my last day of work, the nursery is done, and I am ready! I know, I know... she'll come when it's time. God is in control, and I know that. I'm half kidding about evicting her, but I am also half serious! No harm in helping her along - that's what mom's do, right?!?!?!

I ate Mexican for lunch today, I've been walking just about everyday and picked up my pace a bit yesterday, mowed the grass on the riding lawn mower and I've been doing lots of stuff around the house to keep active (i.e. laundry, cleaning, cooking) in hopes that will move things along.

I am 38 weeks 1 day today, so there is still time for her to arrive and not be late, but sooner rather than later would be nice! I'm ready to meet my little girl:)

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Nursery is Complete

We finally finished our kermit-the-frog-green nursery this weekend. I told you it was GREEN!! Well, I should say it is almost finished. I still need to put her name in wood letters above the crib and hang a couple pictures on the wall, but that will have to wait until after she is born.
OH, and we've agreed upon a name! And, before she arrived - Thank goodness!
All in all, it was a VERY productive weekend:)

My First...

TRACTOR!!! Okay, so I am not from the "country" and have never had the pleasure of owning my very own tractor. Well, now that I have made the transition to "country" we figured it was time that I had one! Well, here she is a Ford 3000 and boy is she a beauty!!! My very own tractor! Who would have ever thought - it just makes me laugh:)

Mini Cousin Reunion

A couple of weeks ago my cousin and brother both happened to be in town the same night! We got together and had a great dinner (hehe... if I do say so myself!) and caught up a bit with all that is going on in our lives! It was so good to see both of them and I am glad it worked out as well as it did!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well, we have officially been married for 3 years today! Wow, time goes by so fast! It seems like just yesterday we were at Clemson and starting to date. I remember the butterflies when I'd see him and the excitement when he'd call. HA - now if he calls, my first thought is that something is wrong b/c he rarely calls during the day:) So many things have changed over the last three years - we moved from an apt into a house that we built, I've changed jobs/his has grown by leaps and bounds, we added our first baby (furbaby, Abby) to the family, we are preparing to add a sweet little girl in 7 weeks, we've built friendships with other couples and travelled to so many places (within driving distance - we won't pay to fly...haha!). Through all of this we have grown so much closer together and continue to grow each day. I am probably a bit biased, but I have the best husband ever and I thank God that he brought us together and has blessed us with so much!
Just a random picture of a dance class we took:)