Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Week of Firsts

I wouldn't necessarily call these milestones, but I still am trying to take notice of all of the ways that Stella is growing and changing.

1. Introduced a pacifier
2. Gave her a bottle for the first time
3. Took her to a restaurant - good thing it was not a quiet restaurant or we may have been asked to leave:)
4. Attended Sunday School as a family
5. Moved up to size 1 diapers
6. Mommy got to go to the gym - gosh, it felt soooooo good to be back there!!!!!!!!!!
7. Stella started smiling - and not just when she is leaving a surprise for me to find later...hehe


KLee said...

How fun! It is the little things that make it so great!

Outnumbered! said...

Congrats on all the firsts! She is precious!