Thursday, November 1, 2007

Stella's First Couple of Weeks

We are now adjusting to life with a baby and little (very little) sleep. Everyday we can see changes in how Stella is growing. It is amazing! Mom and Dad are totally in love (even in the middle of the night with the screaming...haha)! We are learning how to take care of God's precious little girl and are so blessed to be doing so!

Stella's trip home from the hospital - us trying to figure out the carseat was quite a sight!!

A sleeping princess:)Wide-eyed and bushy-tailed!

Stella and Mom

Stella and Dad


TCW said...

The time passes by so fast, so enjoy it, even those long nights. This time will pass and she will be sleeping through the night before you know it. Call us if you need a break. I will come love on her for a while.

Michelle Y said...

You totally don't look like you just had a baby! Feel free to call me in the middle of the night . . . I will probably be up feeding Jamie3!