Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 2019

First trip to Dillard's!

I tested out the accuracy of my gas gauge!

Got a picture from C's teacher and was told he was being a strong, cooperative
leader during a game at school!

C helped S fold her laundry - there are some sweet moments
in there occasionally!

M and I met these long-time friends for dinner when they
were in town!  Wilson and Lee!
Easter cookies:)

I sent brownies with M!  I think his guys enjoyed them;)

Sweet note C wrote one of his classmates who was having
a tough day!

C's class - C in red shirt in middle!

Starbucks + pedicure = bliss!

I received flowers for Administrative Assistants' Day
from the pastor at the church I where I work

C had a Gatorade/Carpi Sun stand:) Our neighbor
made his night by stopping and getting some!

My kitchen helper!
Ice cream and BINGO with Maxwell

S slept over at Riley's house and they were putting on plays for Riley's mom -
oh the sass!!;)

We removed some trees at our house and afterwards C
took a drive around the neighborhood on the tractor with M!


Killing time at the park before an appointment!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Eric Church Concert

Last night M and I went to the Eric Church concert!  We first enjoyed dinner at Roost, chosen because it was within walking distance of the arena, including some live music outside!  Then we made our way to the concert and it was so good and he played a TON of songs!!  It was a fun night together!

Live music outside the restaurant

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Arbor Day

Two years ago, S won an award for Arbor Day!  This year, it was C's turn!  The entire county is invited to have all third graders participate.  I'm not sure how many other schools do, but I know of several!  MVE required each kid to enter as a major science grade.  There are categories for posters, poems and songs.  C entered a poster and won third place!  He was one of eight from MVE and the only boy!  We were all so proud!! 

This afternoon was the reception for all the winners.  C wasn't quite sure if he wanted to go, but he knew from experience that all who go will get a tree to take home and plant.  That was enough to make him want to go:)  The two of us went and although he was not a big fan of the "talking part" and that we got rained on some, he sure did enjoy showing off his poster, eating cookies and brownies and then, of course, getting his tree!

I enjoyed spending time celebrating him in the arts because he is musically and artistically talented, but being a boy, he doesn't really like to be noticed for those things!:)

The Greenville City Mayor was there.. and C was the one who knew what he
looked like and pointed him out - I was impressed!

Receiving his award

Proud of his poster!

And SUPER excited to get this tree!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Randoms from Spring Break

Between going to Virginia and going to Georgia, we were still pretty busy!  I had to work two of those days so the kids were at the Y.  We had a couple of an appointments to go to, got to the gym a couple of days, went to the park and of course, ate ice cream!

A rare lazy moment for the week!

Water fun because it got HOT!

That's some serious ice cream!

Kids Planet!


Easter 2019

Today we celebrated the Resurrection!!

The morning started with Easter baskets - and M and I were thanked for the goodies, no more Easter Bunny!  Bittersweet!!

We attended church, I kept the nursery with SO MANY babies!  Then we spent the afternoon at Lara and Elliott's house!   S played with the littler cousins and C and Daven played in the creek and shot guns! 

It was a good day and a good ending to our Spring Break week!

Brooke, Jackson and S

Granddaddy and C

Larsen, Grace and S

I was there too:)

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Spring Break Part 2 - Atlanta

The kids and I arrived at Grandpa and Gigi's this afternoon and the kids had one request - to play in the woods!  DONE!  They built forts, laid in the hammock, shot sling shots and swung on the rope swing.  That darn rope swing, though, is what caused S to get a concussion Thursday night! Headache and throwing up is no fun, especially when you are on vacation!  She suffered through and was feeling more like herself by Friday afternoon, although not 100%.  We met Uncle Bobby and Jennifer at an escape room and had a blast!  We escaped!!  Then, before leaving this morning, we met them again for brunch!  It was a quick trip, and not completely as expected thanks to the concussion, but we had a great visit nonetheless!!

Just before she swung into the tree and managed a

In his elements in the woods!

She loves decorating for meals!  And didn't even
complain about cleaning the dishes afterwards!
