Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 2019

First trip to Dillard's!

I tested out the accuracy of my gas gauge!

Got a picture from C's teacher and was told he was being a strong, cooperative
leader during a game at school!

C helped S fold her laundry - there are some sweet moments
in there occasionally!

M and I met these long-time friends for dinner when they
were in town!  Wilson and Lee!
Easter cookies:)

I sent brownies with M!  I think his guys enjoyed them;)

Sweet note C wrote one of his classmates who was having
a tough day!

C's class - C in red shirt in middle!

Starbucks + pedicure = bliss!

I received flowers for Administrative Assistants' Day
from the pastor at the church I where I work

C had a Gatorade/Carpi Sun stand:) Our neighbor
made his night by stopping and getting some!

My kitchen helper!
Ice cream and BINGO with Maxwell

S slept over at Riley's house and they were putting on plays for Riley's mom -
oh the sass!!;)

We removed some trees at our house and afterwards C
took a drive around the neighborhood on the tractor with M!


Killing time at the park before an appointment!

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