Saturday, April 20, 2019

Spring Break Part 2 - Atlanta

The kids and I arrived at Grandpa and Gigi's this afternoon and the kids had one request - to play in the woods!  DONE!  They built forts, laid in the hammock, shot sling shots and swung on the rope swing.  That darn rope swing, though, is what caused S to get a concussion Thursday night! Headache and throwing up is no fun, especially when you are on vacation!  She suffered through and was feeling more like herself by Friday afternoon, although not 100%.  We met Uncle Bobby and Jennifer at an escape room and had a blast!  We escaped!!  Then, before leaving this morning, we met them again for brunch!  It was a quick trip, and not completely as expected thanks to the concussion, but we had a great visit nonetheless!!

Just before she swung into the tree and managed a

In his elements in the woods!

She loves decorating for meals!  And didn't even
complain about cleaning the dishes afterwards!


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